Page 14 of As Luck Would Have It
Yeah, he wanted it all with Felicity.
He wanted the white picket fence and the two-point-five kids. He wanted a dog and cat and to be able to provide for her. But he wouldn’t say any of that to her, at least not right now. No doubt that would scare the shit out of her.
And so he sat there and held her hand as they watched the movie, his focus on Felicity the whole time. The scent of her washing over him, the feel of her skin against his, the sensation of her body heat seeping into him.
It was a sensory overload that had him wanting her even more.
He turned his head and looked at her, a little strand of hair moving along her cheek as the wind picked up. He lifted his free hand and brushed it away, letting his fingers linger on her skin, reveling at how smooth and soft she was.
She looked to him then, her mouth parting slightly, her pupils dilating. His touch had affected her instantly, that was clear. The caveman part of him roared out in pleasure over that.
He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek softly. Hawk hadn’t meant for it to be anything more than that, but when she turned her head so their lips brushed along each other’s sexually, his body lit up. All around them were people, the movie blaring in front of them, the glow from it washing everything in shards of color. But in this moment, he only saw Felicity.
Hawk added some pressure to her mouth and she moaned, but he pulled back and took in a sharp inhale of air.
“What’s wrong?” she whispered.
He ran a hand over the back of his head.
“You don’t want me?”
He groaned. “Fuck,” he said low enough so only she heard. “I want you too fucking badly. That’s the problem.” Her saw her brows furrow in confusion. “There’s too many people here for me to do what I really want.” Her eyes widened for a second as realization set in.
Felicity licked her lips and leaned forward just an inch. “Then let’s resume this at my place.”
A moan was ripped from him. “You sure that’s what you want?”
She nodded right away. “Definitely.”
He had her off the ground and gathered their shit before she could even utter another word. She laughed the whole time he all but dragged her back to his vehicle.
What could Hawk say? When it came to Felicity he was feral.
Arriving at her place, Felicity turned on the light, taking his jacket. She only had a small apartment, a tiny sitting room with the walls filled with as many cookbooks as she could find. She often spent a great deal of time at the library reading through them, trying to grasp everything her heart desired.
Her kitchen was small, just two counters, a sink, stove, and a couple of cupboards. Living alone she didn’t need much room, which is why she didn’t even bother with a table.
“Your place is really nice,” he said.
“Thanks. It’s really small, though.”
“Most apartments are small. Even mine’s small. This, I can see you by the window, drinking your morning coffee, watching the street and people go by.”
“It sounds kind of poetic.”
“It is.”
She looked so nervous. “You think about me a lot?” she asked.
He turned toward her and there was an intensity in his gaze that took her aback. He stared right at her, watching her. Tonight had been pretty perfect.
In fact, she couldn’t remember a time it hadn’t been this perfect.
“More than I should admit. I wonder what you’re thinking, what makes you tick.”
“You do?”
“Yeah.” He took a step toward her. He looked so sure and confident. Gone was the nervous man at the start of their date. She rather liked both of them.
When he stood right in front of her, she had no choice but to tilt her head back to watch him. He reached out, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, and the smallest touch made her ache in the most amazing way.
She didn’t know what it was about Hawk, but her body was drawn to him. Like a moth to a flame, there was no one else she wanted but him. She kept her hands at her sides, waiting.
He cupped her cheek and she pressed her face against his palm.
“You are so beautiful.”
His touch thrilled her and as his hand slowly stroked down her neck, going to her shirt, she felt a tightening in her body. Her pussy pulsed with arousal, and she nibbled her lip to contain the moan that desperately wanted to escape.
Within a matter of seconds he had her shirt off and her bra out of the way. He slowly stroked a finger down her chest, touching her tits. His thumb brushed across a hardened peak, and she closed her eyes, basking in his sweet touch.