Page 69 of Rake (Wolfes of Manhattan 4)
Lydia nodded and left me in Reid’s bedroom. I trembled, and my bowels churned. Shit. Literally. I ran to the bathroom and took care of that necessity, and then I washed my hands and ran a comb through my hair.
“Why do I care what my hair looks like?” I said aloud.
I set the comb down, my hands shaking so badly that it fell to the bathroom floor with a clink.
Thank God. Reid was here. Everything would be okay now. Right? I ran out of the bathroom and into his arms.
“It’s okay, baby.” He kissed my forehead. “It’s all going to be okay.”
“But Lacey…”
“She’ll be fine. We won’t let anything happen to her.”
“Why do they want to question me again? I already told that detective everything.”
“I don’t know, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. The endearment coated me in warmth like a blanket on a brisk day.
“You’re not going alone. Zach is waiting downstairs to go with you.”
“Zach? I want Moira.”
“I understand, but when you found that handkerchief and those business cards of Lacey’s in Moira’s office—”
“Not Moira!”
“I don’t think so either, but we can’t take the chance. I had my people sweep all the attorneys’ offices during the night. Zach’s was clean.”
“But that doesn’t mean—”
“Baby, I’m not sure who to trust right now. But Zach’s a good man. He’s been with the company for three years, and I hired him myself.”
“Moira told me the head of legal hired her.”
“He did. Zach is kind of my attorney on the inside, and that’s who I want representing you.”
I nodded into his shoulder.
I had to trust Reid.
I had no other choice.
Reid wasn’t allowed in the room where Detective Morgan questioned me, but Zach sat next to me. His presence reassured me. Sort of. I’d have been much more comfortable with Moira.
“Tell me,” Morgan began, “about your relationship with Reid Wolfe.”
My mouth dropped open.
“Don’t answer that,” Zach said. “It has nothing to do with this case.”
“I beg to differ, counsel,” Morgan said. “Reid Wolfe is a suspect in this case.”
“You’ve already arrested Lacey Wolfe,” Zach replied.
“Doesn’t mean there isn’t more than one suspect. We have evidence, Mr. Hayes, implicating all the Wolfes.”
“Then why not arrest all of them?” Zach asked angrily.
“You know the system as well as I do.”
“Don’t answer,” Zach said to me again.
“I can compel her to answer.”
“Not without a subpoena.”
“So I’ll get a subpoena.”
“Get it, then.” He stood. “This is over.”
“Sit down, Mr. Hayes,” Morgan said. “I assure you this is far from over.”
“With all due respect,” I interjected. “I have nothing more to tell you. You got my whole story yesterday.”
“Are you sure?” Morgan asked.
“Of course, I’m sure. I told you everything so I wouldn’t have to talk to you again.”
“You did know you’d probably be called as a witness in the trial,” Morgan said.
I hadn’t thought of that. “I live day by day, Mr. Morgan,” I said.
“That’s Detective Morgan.” He glanced down at the papers in front of him.
“Do you have anything new for Ms. Jones?” Zach asked.
Morgan continued reading his notes for a moment before he looked up. “This case will go to trial, Mr. Hayes,” he said. “It’s just a matter of how many defendants and how many trials.”
“You know Ms. Jones is not a suspect. She has an alibi.”
“Does she?”
Morgan’s words stopped me cold. I wanted to stand and yell and defend myself, but I was frozen. Frozen to the chair.
“That’s already been determined, as you know,” Zach said.
“Her relationship with Reid Wolfe changes things.”
“There is no relationship with Reid Wolfe,” Zach said.
My eyes shifted. He was lying. Zach was lying to the detective, which wasn’t right, but he was my attorney. He knew what he was doing.
“Then why did Ms. Jones spend the night at Reid Wolfe’s residence last night?”
“She’s staying with him,” Zach replied, “while she’s in town.”
“Staying in his bedroom?”
I gasped.
Zach gave me a side-eye. “It’s irrelevant where she’s staying.”
“It’s far from irrelevant, and you know it. She has access to Reid Wolfe’s apartment, which means she has access to his files. His bedroom.”
“I’d never look at his files!” I exclaimed.
“Mr. Wolfe doesn’t keep business files in his home,” Zach said. “If you want files, you’ll have to subpoena them, not rely on hearsay from Ms. Jones.” He stood for the second time. “This is over. Let’s go, Zee.”
I stood, still trembling, and allowed Zach to lead me out of the room.
“This isn’t over,” came Morgan’s voice.
Reid was waiting outside. “Everything okay?”
“We need to talk,” Zach said. “Now.”
“What is it?”
“Not here,” he said. “The coffee shop around the corner.”
We walked out of the precinct and then a little less than a block to the coffee shop. We took an outdoor table.
“They’re not done,” Zach said. “I think Lacey’s arrest is a ruse to make the rest of you a little more lax. They want you to trip up.”
“Fuck,” Reid said.