Page 65 of Rake (Wolfes of Manhattan 4)
A kiss that was so much more than a kiss…
It was a meeting of hearts. Of souls.
Time seemed to suspend for a moment as we kissed and came together.
As our bodies melded into one.
Pure peace.
Pure peace that I never thought I’d experience.
Finally, Reid broke the kiss, and we both gasped in a breath.
He rolled off me, breathing loudly. “I can’t even…” he said quietly.
Can’t even what? I didn’t ask. I couldn’t yet form words. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to speak again.
The buzz of Reid’s intercom knocked me out of my revelry.
He shot his eyes open. “Dinner.”
Dinner? Food? Was I even hungry? Every part of my body except my pussy seemed to have gone on hiatus.
I should be hungry. I hadn’t eaten lunch, and—
Reid hopped off the bed and answered the intercom. “Yeah?”
“Mr. Wolfe, the dinner you requested is here. Do you want me to bring it to your room?”
He turned and looked to me, his eyebrows lifted.
Was this my call? I had no idea how to respond, so I didn’t.
“Yes, please. Thanks, Lydia.”
Reid walked to his massive closet and pulled out two robes, donning one. He brought the other to me. “Put this on.”
“But she’ll…”
“Know we’ve been having sex in here?” He chuckled softly. “They already know that, baby. We weren’t exactly quiet.”
He chuckled again. “Some shrieking comes to mind.”
Right. That had been me. Warmth crept into my cheeks and chest as I sat up and wrapped myself in the fluffy robe.
“You’ve had a lot of women in here,” I said matter-of-factly.
He sighed. “If I told you otherwise, you’d know I was lying.”
I nodded. No reason to feel bad about that fact. So why did I? Reid was a known womanizer. The Wolfe of Manhattan.
I was one of many.
I couldn’t blame him for what had occurred. I’d wanted it. Heck, I’d been lying here naked, waiting for him, and even so, he offered me a chance to leave.
I didn’t want to leave, so I hadn’t.
And I couldn’t regret what had happened. It was the most intense pleasure I’d ever experienced. I never imagined sex could be like that. Could make me feel like that.
Though I wasn’t a virgin, I was pretty close to one. Reid made me feel like I’d never been touched before…and that I’d never be touched that way again by anyone else.
No man could possibly compare to Reid Wolfe. No man on earth or in heaven.
Lydia delivered the food—I averted my gaze the whole time she was in the room setting it up—and we sat down at the small table between the two wingback chairs in the bay window alcove.
The sun was just beginning to set, and the pink and orange hues over the skyline were beautiful indeed. I couldn’t help a satisfied sigh. “It’s a gorgeous sunset.”
“Believe it or not, the Manhattan smog makes it quite pretty.”
I shook my head. “It’s beautiful to me. I don’t get to see the sunset much, as I’m always working during that time.”
“What about the nights your show is dark?”
“I’m not usually outside. You’ve seen where I live. Not really a good view anyway.”
Reid picked up the bottle of wine that had come with the dinner. “Would you like a drink?”
I shook my head. I didn’t want anything to detract from the natural high coursing through me. “I really don’t drink much. Not after being so dependent on drugs for so long.”
“You drank Champagne at the wedding.”
“I did. It was a special occasion.” Plus I’d been nervous as hell, meeting the Wolfes and having just told them my story.
“Tell me about your addiction,” Reid said.
I averted my gaze. It wasn’t something I talked about. “Alcohol was never the problem. It was meth.”
His eyes widened. “Meth? For how long?”
He regarded me as I took a bite of salad, his gaze focused on my mouth.
I chewed and swallowed. “The settlement from your father,” I said.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re wondering why I don’t have meth teeth. I have good teeth, so I had minimal problems from the drug use, but the problems I had I got fixed with some of that money.”
“I see.”
Did he think less of me now? He hardly could. He already knew my history of addiction and rehab. He just didn’t know I’d been a meth head. I took another bite of my salad. Even though we’d just had sex for a couple hours, the appetite I’d worked up had waned quickly.
I didn’t like to think about my past.
“You’re a strong woman, Zee,” Reid said.
I lifted my eyebrows. Not what I expected.
“You took the bull by the horns,” he continued. “You got clean. You did what you had to do to survive.”
“I could have turned your father in,” I said.
He shook his head. “It was better that you didn’t. He would have made your life a living hell. He would have gotten out of it somehow.”