Page 4 of Rake (Wolfes of Manhattan 4)
I felt bad about that. Really bad, like I kind of wanted to puke right now. All those years I thought she was the favored one who got to go on special trips. My brothers and I had no idea what actually went on during those trips.
We knew well what our father was capable of. He was a monster, but we never knew just how much of a monster he truly was. Beyond monster. He was Satan.
My sister knew this well, and so did Zee.
Zee, who I was planning to use to get the information we needed.
I didn’t like the idea. Not the whole idea, anyway. The part about seducing her? I was good with that. Even with her gothic black hair. The rest of her was to die for.
“I hope you know you can call any of us anytime if you need to,” Riley said to Zee. “We’re all here for you.”
“Absolutely,” I agreed. “Anytime, day or night.”
“How long will you be in town?” Zee asked.
“Matt and I are leaving tomorrow. So are Rock and Lacey and Roy and Charlie.”
“But I’m staying.” I smiled. “We’re having issues with one of the contractors for our new hotel, and someone has to handle it.”
“Why doesn’t Rock stay?” Zee asked. “I heard he was the CEO.”
Yeah, in name only. My father’s little dig still stuck firmly in my craw. But it wasn’t Rock’s fault. I kept telling myself that, though it didn’t take the sting out. At all.
“He is,” I said. “But I’m the COO. I’m in charge of operations.” And my big brother doesn’t have a clue how to handle contractors and lawyers.
I kept the last part to myself.
“Yeah,” Riley said. “The rest of us have to get back, as we’re all persons of interest in our father’s murder investigation.”
“And you’re not?” Zee said to me.
“Oh, I am, but someone has to see to business. I’m only a plane ride away if I’m needed in New York.”
“So Reid will be here for you.” Riley pulled out a card. “Did I already give you my card? If not, here it is. My cell’s on it. Call me if you need anything. I mean anything.”
Nice touch, Sis. However, Zee will be coming to me with all her needs.
And I intend to fulfill them.
Reid took my hand—it felt good in his—and led me out of the chapel to the waiting limo. And man, was it ever a limo! I’d lived in Vegas for the past six years, so I’d seen my share of limos. This one was longer than most, and maybe my imagination was working overtime, but it seemed shinier and blacker as well.
The chauffeur held the door for me. I opened my mouth to thank Reid, when he slid in beside me on the lush white leather seat.
“Thank you for everything,” I said. “I’ll… I guess I’ll be in touch.”
He didn’t move.
“I should give the driver my address,” I said.
“Already taken care of.”
“Then…goodbye. Thank you again.”
Again, he didn’t move.
But the limo did.
“I don’t need a chaperone.”
“I’m not your chaperone.” He smiled.
And oh my, his smile dazzled. Perfectly straight teeth surrounded by those full Wolfe lips.
So handsome.
And so… So…familiar.
I scooted away from him, just enough so that no part of him was touching me. Then, for the first time, I looked at my surroundings. This limo had a full bar. Seriously. A full bar. Another leather bench seat sat on the other side of the bar, and then two large bucket seats sat adjacent to it. All white leather with black accents.
I’d never seen anything like it.
I’d had two limo rides during my time here. The first was a few months after I started in the show. One of the producers took a few of us out after our New Year’s Eve performance. He wanted plenty in return. I escaped when we stopped to fuel up.
The second time was with a casino owner who took a liking to me. We dated a few times, but then, in the limo, he wanted to consummate our relationship. I wasn’t ready. Truth be told, I wasn’t ready now either.
Luckily, he didn’t press the point. He was quite persuasive, but he stopped before raping me. Then he never called me again.
Just as well.
“I’m your date,” Reid continued, “and I always see my dates safely home.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I chose to say nothing.
“Would you like a drink?” Reid asked.
“No, thank you.” After two flutes of champagne, I wasn’t feeling much pain, but I still had my right frame of mind. I didn’t want that to change anytime soon.
“Do you mind if I do?”
“Not at all.”
He scooted toward the bar and poured himself something dark. Bourbon or scotch, I’d guess. He took a drink and then set the glass in a holder, turning to me. “Tell me a little about yourself, Zee.”