Page 36 of Rake (Wolfes of Manhattan 4)
I caressed her soft hair. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay now. I rarely remember the dreams. Thank you.” She nuzzled my shoulder.
“Please,” she said. “Just hold me. It’s been so long since I’ve been held.”
So much for sleep tonight. I couldn’t turn her down, but this was going to slowly kill me. How was I supposed to deal with the blue balls?
I wrapped her in my arms and gently kissed her forehead. “Easy. Go back to sleep.”
She closed her eyes.
Mine stayed open.
All fucking night.
My phone alarm went off as scheduled at six a.m. Had I slept once Zee got settled, I’d have gotten a little less than four hours. Because I’d stayed awake all night, though, with a perpetual hard-on, I got zero hours. Not even a damned millisecond.
Zee slept soundly beside me. Even my blaring alarm didn’t wake her. I eased away from her as gently as I could so as not to wake her and turned off the alarm. I rose and padded to the bathroom. At least I could jack off in the shower. I’d considered taking care of it in bed after Zee fell asleep, but then decided that was a little too creepy.
Yeah. Way too creepy.
So I’d nursed the balls of blue all freaking night, and now I still had an erection and couldn’t even take my morning piss.
For God’s sake.
I relaxed—or tried to—and finally got my dick soft enough to pee. Then I got in the shower and masturbated to Zee’s gorgeous body, how she’d looked with those bright red painted nipples in the show.
Fuck, she was sexy.
I stroked my cock as the shower pelted me in warmth, and with each stroke, I imagined Zee’s lips around me.
Yes, good. Really good. I groaned aloud, backing up against the shower wall. The shower had four heads, so no matter where I stood, water drizzled over me.
I closed my eyes. “Yeah, Zee, just like—”
My eyes popped open as I dropped my erection.
“Zee”—I cleared my throat—“I’m kind of indisposed at the moment.” Thinking about you giving me a masterful blow job. Yeah.
“I’m sorry. I woke up, and you were gone. I got kind of…scared.”
“Everything’s fine. I’m just taking a shower.”
“Yeah, I figured that out.”
“Which I usually do privately,” I continued.
Except the expected sound of the door closing with Zee’s departure didn’t happen. In fact, even with the shower noise, I heard her breathing. The glass doors were coated in steam, but still I saw her—a blur in white.
She was breathing…hard.
God, give me strength.
“If you’d like a shower,” I said, trying to make my voice sound normal through gritted teeth, “there’s a great shower in your guest room. Or if you need to go to the bathroom.”
“I already went to the bathroom,” she said.
“Okay, good. Why didn’t you take a shower in there, then?”
“What?” For God’s sake, what?
“I want to shower with you.”
My hard-on swelled larger than ever. This was a damned test, and I was going to fail miserably.
How the hell was I supposed to shower with Zee and her amazing body without fucking her?
Answer—no way in hell could I, so she was not getting into the shower with me.
“That’s not a good idea,” I said.
“You calm me, Reid. I can’t really describe it any better than that. I’m more relaxed with you than I’ve ever been, and I know it doesn’t make any sense. I mean, you’re his son.” Silence for a few seconds. “I don’t get it, but it’s true.”
“Fine. I’ll finish my shower and then you can use this one. I’ll sit in the bathroom if that’s what you want, but you’re absolutely not—”
She opened the glass shower door, clad in the white fluffy robe.
“For God’s sake,” I muttered.
She dropped the robe, and—
I sucked in a gasping breath.
Her body. I always knew it would be spectacular, but even I wasn’t prepared for her magnificence.
Perfect breasts—which of course I’d seen before but not this close up—and the nipples weren’t bright red, of course. They were dark pink. Dark pink and perfect.
She was tall and broad-shouldered, which of course was why she could handle those huge headdresses she wore in the show. She had just enough indentation at her waist to make her narrow hips shapely. And her rear end. I was never an ass man, but dancing had giving her a perfect booty.
My erection throbbed.
Her gaze dropped, and an audible gasp escaped her throat.
Well, what did she expect? She opened the shower doors. Did she expect me to be hanging flaccid?
And yeah, I was huge. Point one for me.
She pulled her gaze up and met mine. “Please.”
“You are testing me at every turn.”
“What do you mean?”
“Come on. You’re not that naïve. You know I’m attracted to you. I’ve told you. I’m not made of rock, you know.”
Well, a certain part of me was at the moment.
She walked into the shower. “It’s a huge shower. There’s room for both of us.”