Page 20 of Rake (Wolfes of Manhattan 4)
Our twenty-minute intermission always flew by quickly, unlike the hour pre-show and the hour and a half between shows.
In a seeming instant, I was back on stage, smile pasted on, executing high kicks once more.
Second show of the night. For some strange reason, I always had more energy for the ten o’clock show. Adrenaline, the director said. The adrenaline stayed with me until about two a.m. on show nights. Just as well, since I had dinner plans afterward tonight.
Thank goodness Mo was coming along.
Right now, Reid Wolfe was somewhere in the audience. Once more I was thankful for the bright lighting that kept us from seeing anything other than shadows in the theater. I had no doubt that if I could see faces, Reid’s would stand out.
His image was seared into my mind.
He was easily the best looking of his brothers. Rock was rugged and sexy, and Roy had that boho look you’d expect from an artist. Plus, he was almost too pretty to be real.
But Reid…
Suave and debonair to the max. He looked like he’d walked straight off the pages of GQ. Always dressed to the nines, hair perfectly swept across his forehead, full lips and perfect white teeth.
And those blue eyes.
He reminded me of the model David Gandy, only better. I’d never known anyone who could surpass David Gandy.
Until now.
Funny. I hadn’t memorized any man’s looks in ages. Well before…that horrible time. Sure, I noticed good-looking men, but I wasn’t moved by them.
Until now.
Reid Wolfe scared me.
He made me want to bare my soul. Indeed, he asked me to tell my story publicly.
It wasn’t so much that that scared me.
It was that he made me want to.
“Nieves,” I said, “there’s only one way out of this mess.”
She lifted her head far enough to meet my gaze. “What’s that?”
“You need to level with me.”
She hadn’t. She’d run off in tears to tend to her sister in Helena, promising to call me as soon as she knew Leta was all right.
What could I do? Tell her not to go? I’d run to my own sister in a second if she needed me. Especially now, since I hadn’t been there for Riley when she had needed me. All those years… Roy and I never knew. In fact, we’d been envious.
Reality had a way of kicking you in the nuts. Big time.
The ten o’clock show of Best of Sin City was about to begin. Terrence had gotten me the best seats in the house. God himself only knew what he’d paid for them, but that didn’t matter. I was a fucking billionaire.
Jazzy music from the pit, and then…
Up went the curtain.
I found Zee instantly. She was in the back, but still she stood out. And wowza. What a body! And those high kicks!
Fuck me.
Those tits.
Big and luscious and her nipples were bright red. Yeah, it was probably makeup, but damn… Already I was hard.
Seducing her wasn’t going to be an issue at all. So I wasn’t a huge fan of the black hair. The rest of her was fucking perfect.
My gaze never left her for the entirety of the show.
I’d texted Zee earlier to meet me at the theater entrance after the show was over. I expected to wait a while, as she needed to change out of her costume and all.
She was earlier than I expected…and she had a friend in tow.
Zee wore black skinny jeans and a royal blue silk camisole. I never noticed clothes on a woman, but this ensemble was perfect with that black hair. Her lips were painted red, and all I could think about was her red nipples during the show.
Damn. I wanted to bite them. Really badly.
“Good evening, Zee,” I said.
Her cheeks pinked. “Hello, Mr. Wolfe.”
She nodded and then cleared her throat. “Reid, you remember my friend Maureen. Mo.”
“Nice to see you.” I took the hand Maureen held out.
She blushed and smiled with mega wattage. “My pleasure, Mr. Wolfe.”
This time I cleared my throat. “Reid. Mr. Wolfe is that bastard who died.”
Maureen’s eyes widened a bit. Had my words been too crass? Probably. Within seconds, though, she was back to smiling.
Zee looked down at her feet. “I invited Mo to come to dinner with us.”
Fuck. Really? How was I supposed to seduce the woman when she had a friend tag along? I could tell her our reservation was for two—truth—but as a Wolfe, I could change that easily with no problem at all.
I forced myself to smile. “How nice. I’m sure she’ll be a lovely addition.”
Mo’s smile dazzled at my words, and her cheeks blushed further. “I’m so glad you feel that way. I didn’t want to be a third wheel.”
“Of course not.” Except that you are, but no matter. I’ve seduced women in the middle of crowds before. This wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.
“Where are we dining?” Mo asked.