Page 72 of Broken Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 3)
Elena shakes her head profusely, her hair sticking to her tear-stained cheeks.
I move toward Julian and pull my gun from its holster as I let a wicked smile spread across my face. Raising my gun, I aim at Julian’s head for a split second before lifting it higher and pointing it at the guy holding the gun in his hand.
I pull the trigger. The bullet flies, hitting its intended target. With a hole between his eyes, the guy falls to the ground. Before his body hits the floor, I fire my gun again, hitting the second guy. Another shot rings out, then another, until every single one of my enemies is on the ground in a puddle of their own blood.
“Open your eyes, Elena,” Julian coaxes his wife.
Her eyes fly open, and she takes in Julian kneeling in front of her with wide, teary eyes.
I untie her restraints while Julian runs his hands over her body like he is checking for injuries.
As soon as Elena is free, she falls into Julian’s arms and buries her nose into the crook of his neck. He tugs her into his chest, pulling her close into his protective hold.
They whisper something to each other I don’t understand until Julian pushes Elena away a few inches. “Baby?”
“Yes, baby. I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to tell you. It’s hard to give a man who has everything a Christmas gift. I bought some blue baby shoes and wrapped them up.” She sniffles.
“Congratulations,” I interject, reminding them I’m still here.
Julian pulls Elena to her feet but keeps his arm around her. I shove my hands in my pockets and watch as they both stare at me for a few seconds. All three of us ignore the dead bodies in the room.
Elena finally breaks the silence. “Thank you.” Julian simply grunts, and she gives her husband a little jab in the side, making him roll his eyes.
“You betrayed me… but you saved us today,” he finally says. “We both owe you.”
I grin. “I was kind of hoping you’d say that. Because I could really use your help with something.”
“Is that so?” Julian huffs, clearly not happy about this development.
“Yes. Like I told you earlier, I only betrayed you because Lev’s family had someone I cared about. I’ve been protecting her ever since. Unfortunately, she just ran away from me.”
Julian’s eyebrows lift, and I know he is wondering why she is running if I’m only protecting her. Regardless, he is considering my request.
“What do you need help with?” Julian asks.
“I need help hunting her down.”
It’s been six months since I left, yet I still look over my shoulder, expecting Lucca to be there, but he isn’t. I thought by now he would’ve found me. The money I took only lasted me a short time before I had to get a job. Work at the diner is slow tonight. I wiped down the same section of tables three times just to keep myself busy.
“This place is dead. You might as well head home for the night.”
Tina’s booming voice drags me from my thoughts, and I turn to find her staring at me from the other side of the counter. She was the one who showed me the ropes of waitressing when I first started. She’s in her late thirties with soft brown eyes and blonde hair that is always curled. I don’t see her as much as a boss as I do a mother figure.
“Are you sure?” I hate to leave, but I won’t lie my feet are aching, and the start of a migraine is forming behind my eyes.
“Yes, I’m sure. I feel bad for the tables right now with the amount you’re washing them down. Go home, read a book. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”
“Okay, okay.” I laugh.
She knows me so well. All I do now is sleep, read, and work. The library became my best friend and is where I get most of my books, at least until I can afford to buy a Kindle. I bring the rag into the back and toss it in the water bucket.
My hands are all wrinkly, and I dry them on a dishrag before taking off my apron and hanging it up. I keep my purse next to Tina’s and retrieve it from the manager’s office along with my thin sweater.
“Have a good night,” I yell before walking out the back door.
The cool air kisses my skin, and I shiver as soon as I step out the door. I pull the thin sweater tighter around me, knowing that soon I’ll have to break down and buy myself something better. That’s the downfall of leaving. When I lived with my adoptive parents, I had everything I could’ve wanted, and now I have just what I need. I found a small apartment with all utilities included and kept low.