Page 52 of Broken Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 3)
I look around at my prison. There’s a queen-sized bed with grey sheets and pillows in the center of the room. A dresser against the wall in front of the bed, and a small flat-screen TV mounted in the room’s corner.
One whiff, and I know it’s Lucca’s bedroom. The scent is woodsy, like cedar and clove, and I breathe it deep into my lungs. As always, the smell of him leaves me calm. I scoot the snacks and water aside and sit on the bed. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and stare at the door.
I know I should be worried, maybe even scared, and I guess a part of me is since I know when it comes to me, Lucca is a loose cannon. More than any of those other emotions, I am excited. There is a hum in my blood and a swarm of butterflies in my gut. Still, I’m angry. Angry that he took me. Angry that he tries to control every aspect of my life as if it’s his job to ensure my safety. Angry that he broke my heart and refused to see me as more than his kid sister.
I let that anger push to the forefront of my mind. Why am I sitting here like a damsel in distress waiting for him to return? Why am I not saving myself?
I scoot to the edge of the bed and glare at the door. I’m on my feet and standing in front of it a second later. The cold metal handle makes me shiver as I wrap my hand around it.
I jiggle it just to be certain it’s locked and grow even angrier, finding it is. I mean, I don’t know what I was expecting. The door was locked as soon as he closed it. Stomping back to the bed, I pause and look out the window.
The window. Slapping myself in the forehead, I march over to the window and pull back the curtains. I press on the glass with my hands, trying to open it, but it doesn’t budge, not even an inch. I realize when I see the small lock at the bottom near the lip of the window there is no escape.
Did he plan to take me all along?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. It seems he’s set on controlling me in any way he can. A smile tugs at my lips, lifting them at the sides. Jokes on him. Now is my chance to make him see me, the real me, the one who has always wanted him.
Even if I had to use Carter to get here, it will be worth it once this is all over. Walking back over to the bed, I sit at the edge and prepare myself for what’s coming. He set this up, and when all the pieces fall, he’ll have no one to blame but himself.
Lucca is mine.
An hour later, he returns and unlocks the door but doesn’t engage in any type of conversation with me. I leap from the bed and follow him out into the hall.
“You can’t just leave me locked in bedrooms while you do whatever you want. That’s not what normal people do,” I scold, following on his heels.
Jesus, he’s basically jogging through the house.
He halts, and I barely catch myself from smacking right into him. Whirling around, he stares down at me like a misbehaving child. “I can do whatever I want, Claire. Also, I never said I was normal. I said I know how to act normal. Remember, I’m a monster?”
The condescending tone he gives me makes me want to slap him.
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten.” I curl my lip.
His blue eyes flash with an unreadable emotion. “I got us dinner. Come and eat. It will be the only time you get to eat until morning, so don’t push me, Claire, or you’ll end up locked back in that bedroom. Except, this time, I’ll tie you to the bed for safe measure.”
I can’t explain why, but my nipples harden, and my core heats at the thought. Before last night, I’ve never considered letting a man touch me, let alone tie me up, but the anticipation of Lucca doing it makes me want it all the more.
I swallow around the golf ball-sized lump in my throat and press my lips together. What am I supposed to say to him? Yes, please, tie me up? I don’t want to push him again too soon.
The heat between our bodies smolders until it becomes unbearable, and only then does Lucca turn around and start walking again. I resume following behind him, but at a much slower pace.
For the first time, I actually inspect the apartment. It is clean, sleek, and updated with neutral-colored paint and furniture. How long has he lived here?