Page 23 of Broken Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 3)
The guy on the ground is coughing and gasping for air, while his two remaining friends look at me with pure terror in their eyes. With pale faces, both nod before helping their friend to his feet and dragging him away.
Reining in the remaining anger, I turn to Claire. She is staring at me like she doesn’t even know me. Her whole body is trembling, and she folds her arms over her chest in a protective manner. Shit, I terrified her.
“Are you okay?” I ask, taking in her frightened face. “Claire, talk to me. Did they hurt you? Let me see your arms, kiddo.”
Keeping my voice low and soothing, I step in front of her and reach for her wrists. Gently, I push up her sleeves and inspect her wrists one by one.
I catch the blood on my knuckles and silently curse myself for losing my shit. She shouldn’t have seen that. I should have taken her away and dealt with these punks later.
“This will never happen again,” I say, keeping my voice even and calm. “You should have told me. I could have scared them sooner. They won’t bother you again. I’ll make sure of it.”
“I thought you were going to kill him,” Claire admits, still a bit shaken up.
“I just wanted to scare them, Claire,” I lie. I wanted to do so much more. Hell, I still might. “He’ll have a bruised face, and a bruised ego, but that’s all. Hopefully, he learned his lesson. Come on, let me take you home.” I hold my hand out to her. She looks at it for a moment before reaching out and placing her small hand in mine.
I sigh in relief. She isn’t scared of me. She still trusts me, and I won’t ever break that trust.
I will always be here to keep her safe.
I haven’t broken my promise, I’m still here. The only difference is now the monsters I’m fighting for her are more vicious and dangerous.
Picking up my phone, I dial Petro’s number and hit call. He answers on the third ring.
“Lucca,” he greets me with fake cheeriness, “what can I do for you?”
“I sent over what you asked for. I want to see Claire today.”
“You coming to the house again is too risky. I don’t think that’s a good idea—”
My blood pressure spikes. “I don’t give a fuck what you think. I want to see her today, and you’re going to make that happen.”
“Don’t forget who you are talking to.”
“Don’t forget who you are talking to,” I quip. “You might have been born into this world, but I’ve killed my way into it. There is more blood on my hands than you will ever see in your pathetic lifetime, and let’s not forget that you still need to get to Julian. So let’s not play games. I’m seeing Claire today. Make it happen.”
The line goes silent for a few seconds, and I briefly wonder if I took it too far. I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do if they hurt her. There is only one person on this fucking planet I would give anything and everything for, and it’s her.
“Come back to the house tonight,” Petro tells me, his voice eerily calm. “I’ll tell my men to let you in.” The line goes dead, and I drop my phone onto the passenger seat before I crush it with my bare hands.
The cell is where I remain, scared and alone. Two men guard me at all times, so while I’m not really alone, I might as well be. I’m still wearing the pj’s they kidnapped me in, so I’m grateful for the water bucket and wash rag the maid brought down last night. At least I have Lucca’s jacket keeping me covered and warm. Every time I feel like I’m going to freak out, I tuck the leather jacket closer around my shoulders, using it as a security blanket.
Sitting in the basement’s corner on the cot they tossed at me, I await Lucca’s return. He said he would come back for me, and I believe him. Whether or not I want it, he is always there, always watching me since the day he made that promise to me.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Lucca says. He is only a few feet away, but it sounds like he is at the end of a long corridor. His voice barely above a whisper.
“Y-youuu…” I croak, feeling the vibration in my throat but having a hard time recognizing my own voice. It seems so raspy and far away.
The nurse told me I hurt my ear badly and that I’ll have a hard time hearing, but it’s more than that. Everything feels wrong. All the surrounding sounds are off.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I pray everything goes back to normal the moment I open them again.