Page 19 of 223 True Love Lane: A Cherry Falls Romance
“Thank goodness you’re not in jail. How is that possible? And me? What about you? I’m fine. I wasn’t the one who was arrested.” Lily is wound up, not that I can blame her, but still, she doesn’t need this kind of added stress. Hell, neither of us do.
“Nope, not in jail. I didn’t even get charged yet. Not sure that I will, but Graham will be coming to the house, and we have a lot to catch him up on, Lil. So, unfortunately, our plans have changed. You may want to see if someone can cover for you tomorrow. I have a feeling we’ll have to get some paperwork filed, then we’ll head over to your parents’ house, and we need to see Vince. As much as it pains me to say it, he needs to know what’s going on, just in case.” I think of Lily in my bed, naked and waiting for me, knowing it won’t be happening tonight, it fucking sucks.
“That’s fine, as long as you’re home. We have the rest of our lives for naked time. How much longer till you’re back?” The softness in her tone makes it all worth it.
“The way Graham is driving, about ten minutes,” I joke, but I’m still being honest because his foot is basically slammed on the floor.
“I’ll make some coffee and get dressed. I guess it’s a good thing you made me leave clothes here earlier this week.” I hear her moving around, the water turning on and off, and if Graham weren’t within earshot, I’d ask her what she’s wearing.
“Thanks, honey. I’ll see you soon.” We hang up, and I turn to look at a smirk playing on Graham’s lips.
“Don’t start. Don’t think I didn’t see you making eyes at Faith the past couple of weeks.”
“Yeah, but I may as well cut my losses there. As much as I try, she shuts me down. Not that I can completely blame her. Being a Sheriff isn’t easy on anyone involved, plus she’s a single mom. Sucks, but it might be best for me to move on.” Well, fuck, I did not expect that.
“Shit, I had no idea it would be that way. Maybe something will change,” I reply as we pull into the long driveway of my ranch and see my truck parked in the driveway, albeit a little crooked.
“Damn, I’m lucky she and the truck made it in one piece.” I breathe out.
“She’s a smart cookie, texted when she got here, and Lily’s safe. At the end of the day, that’s all we can ask for. Ready for this?”
“Oh yeah, it’s going to suck no matter what, and I’m sure I’ll have to calm her down some. Give me a few minutes?” I ask, knowing my favors are just stacking up.
“Go on, I have nothing going on tonight.” I nod my head, hop out of the truck, and make my way to my woman. The only thought in my mind is holding her in my arms.
Chapter Eighteen
I’m pacing the kitchen floors in between pulling out coffee mugs, creamer, and sugar, lost in my own thoughts, when two arms wrap around my waist, halting me from doing anything.
“Thank God you’re home.” My hands hold on to his, my body sinking into his warmth behind me.
“I’ll always come home to you, Lily,” he murmurs in my ear. When he told me Graham would be coming inside, stating we’d both be giving the Sheriff the rundown, I changed into a pair of joggers, a shirt, and found a soft zip-up hoodie of Beau’s. Being surrounded by his scent put my mind at ease, well, a little bit at least.
I spin around in his arms, my head going to his chest, hugging him, not ready to let him go for any amount of time. Beau was smart to tell me to take tomorrow off because there’s no way my eyes will leave him, not for a long while.
“As much as I love having it be just the two of us, Graham is in the truck, and he’s waiting on us. He’s giving us a moment, but honey, it’s getting late as it is.” Beau’s fingertips press against my chin, lifting it up.
“Okay, I really hate having to go over everything, but I guess it’s a must at this point.” My mouth seeks his. It’s soft at first, gentle even, until a moan escapes, then he’s hoisting me up by my hips, plants my ass on the counter, my legs spreading for him to slide in between them. Our kiss never stops, not when my hands delve into his hair, my hips move, and Beau’s hands travel down until both of his thumbs are gliding a sweeping path against my center.
“Christ, I lose my head when I’m with you.” Beau pulls back. One of my hands moves down his body until it cups his cock, causing his hand to press deeper against my center.