Page 8 of Danger (The Driven World)
It’s almost like he wants to ask me to put my arm back, but I know he never would. Not with an audience. So, instead he continues eating like he’s not going to get a chance to ever again.
I don’t know much about Danger before my father signed him. All we really know are a handful of things. He’s a damn good driver. He hates being tied down. He causes more trouble than I think he’s worth. And he hails from Los Angeles.
I think that’s why he got into trouble last night.
He’s on his home turf, or something. But, luckily for us, we were able to get Sandi, his PR agent, all over the story and no one has figured out that Danger was even arrested last night.
At least, I hope it doesn’t get leaked out.
It wasn’t splashed all over this morning’s newspaper. So that’s a good sign.
“What do you have planned today, Monty?” Danger asks me. “Will you be coming to the press conference?”
He knows I’ll be there. “Of course.”
He smiles, and it almost looks genuine. “Good.” I don’t know why this makes him happy, but I don’t have time to try to figure him out.
He’s like the world’s toughest jigsaw puzzle, and I do not have the patience to even attempt solving it.
The press conference is always the same ol’ thing. Millions of raving fans trying their hardest to get Danger’s attention. And when I say fans, I mean women. Lots and lots of women.
Half dressed busty blondes mainly, pushing their tits as close as they can to Danger’s face. Most shout things like, ‘Danger, marry me’ or ‘Danger, put a baby in me.’ It’s all very gross if you ask me, and now we have to act like we’re an item.
And I’ll be honest here, I’m not quite sure how or where I should be standing in front of the media so confidently, they could be as relentless as a firing squad. Every reporter wants a piece of him.
He walks toward the press conference table full of microphones like he owns the crowd. Like he was born in the spotlight, and I swear he was. Like the whole world wants his story, and I have to say I’m a little intrigued as well.
Who is this man?
He came out of nowhere, and now he’s captured all the hearts of the women of the world. He’s got the looks to drop panties with a small smile. I’ve never seen anyone who looks as good as him.
Seriously. Why does he have to be so freaking handsome?
I’ve never seen anyone who has such poise and precision in all things. Even his smile is deathly.
I see why he’s called Danger.
Must have been a woman to give him that nickname. Because this man is dangerous. I’ll be sure I take good care of my heart and not let him anywhere near it.
Danger moves to sit behind a table of microphones as he scowls at Thad Jeffries sitting next to him.
I dislike Thad. A lot. The fact that I once dated the asshole makes it a billion times worse. Danger, however, hates him for a completely different reason.
They’re rivals. Racing has never seen a bigger rivalry than the two of them.
Thad used to drive for us. He was a proud member of Grander Racing, and our top driver.
We dated and life was good until it wasn’t. Until the moment I walked in on him and two other women.
Yes, two.
My father didn’t take kindly to Thad and he left the team. This was over a year ago. And I have to say, there isn’t a part of me that misses that man.
Thad’s blond hair ruffles in the wind and he uses a hand to smooth it down. “I love racing, and yesterday’s race was a pure testament to how much I love the sport,” he says into the microphone like he’s reciting something his team wrote for him word for word.
“Ha,” Danger blurts out. “That’s a load of horse shit.”
I shake my head, trying my best to get his attention.
Danger meets my eyes and then stops. “What I mean to say is, sure, the race was fine and all. I was even telling my girlfriend, Monterey, after the race how I love the sport.”
Thad’s blue eyes slam into mine, anger written across his face.
“Monterey Grander?” the announcer asks.
“Yes, I just really have a soft spot for a pretty woman in heels.” Danger smiles in my direction and now everyone’s turned their heads and gawks at me.
I shake my head again. “Hi,” I peep out with a little wave.
The cameras flash, taking picture after picture. This is not the way I wanted to come out as a couple to the world.
Women coo and say, ‘aw how sweet’ in the background, but I’m sure most women are staring at me with pure jealousy in their eyes. And of course, I’d be jealous too. Danger’s panty-dropping gorgeous. I know I’ve said it before, but I don’t think anyone can really grasp how hot he is unless you’re struck dumb with one stare from him.