Page 54 of Danger (The Driven World)
It brings me back to when I was younger. Watching my mother as she busily tried to handle the chaos of her life around her. Being married to a driving tycoon sometimes made it hard on my mom. She didn’t like fast cars. And she hated fast men even more. She left my father when I was only five years old. And I lived with her for a few years. All the way up until the time she was diagnosed with cancer.
I’d watch her. Always watching, learning, studying the woman who raised me. The woman who loved me more than anything. When we lost her I wasn’t ready for it. Nearly eight years old, I couldn’t comprehend why my mother was called from this earth. And I hated everyone for the fact that she left.
I can understand the pain Danger’s going through with losing a parent. A mother. It’s one of those things that you never fully recover from. Sure, my father tried to replace my mother at first, but after a while he stopped. He let me grow up the way he felt I needed. And I don’t blame my father for any of it. I love my life.
I love racing.
I wouldn’t change who I am.
It makes me even more curious of Danger.
“Hungry?” he asks, breaking me from my thoughts.
I smile. “Always.”
“Watching me must build up one hell of an appetite.”
I act shocked. “I wasn’t watching you.”
He stares at me for a moment before returning his focus on the highway. “You were watching.” He takes the next exit.
“I was just wondering what you were thinking about.”
He opens his mouth slowly, like he’s about to tell me a story. “Nothing. Just enjoying the open road.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He pulls into a small diner’s parking lot. “Well, believe it sweetheart. Now, let’s go get some food.”
A man doesn’t look that lost in thought thinking about nothing. I wish I could know what he thinks about. What’s going on inside that gorgeous head of his.
We enter the diner and are seated at a small booth. Danger slides in, and opens up his menu.
“What’s wrong?” he says once I’ve sat down but haven’t picked up the menu yet.
He sets his menu down. “Oh, I see what this is.”
I smile. “What, what is?” I play innocent.
“You want to know what I was thinking about.” He laughs.
“No, it’s ok. You were thinking about nothing. Which I’m beginning to believe men really do think about nothing.”
“What do you mean?” He raises a brow.
We’re interrupted for like two minutes so we can order and when the waitress leaves I smile. “I mean, women can’t possibly think about nothing. We constantly have like twenty thoughts going on around in our heads. We have front thoughts, back thoughts, middle thoughts.”
He stares at me like I’m explaining the world’s hardest math problem. “Back thoughts?”
“Yeah, you know. The thoughts we’re mulling over at any given time. They’re not front and center like the thoughts of actually existing and moving throughout our day. Or what we’re seeing. Because we think about everything we see. And then we have the middle thoughts. The things we’re thinking about with the people around us. The situations we’re in.”
“Sounds exhausting.”
“It sounds exhausting to not think about anything.”
Danger picks up his coffee and takes a sip before saying, “Well, on the road I wasn’t really thinking about anything specific. I definitely didn’t have multilayered thoughts. I was just thinking how nice it was.”
“How nice what was?”
“Driving with you by my side.”
This fills me up with emotion, bubbling out through a smile. “I know.”
“I’m kind of dreading when this will all be over.”
I don’t say anything, because a part of me wants to ask why we need it to end at all. But, I don’t know how he feels about it. “Yeah.”
“I promise I won’t let the media turn this around on you.”
I attempt a smile. “Thank you.”
Our food arrives and Danger digs into his scrambled eggs and toast. How does eating come so easily to men? Here I am a wreck. I’m a complete mess over what’s to come. Yet, Danger can eat like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
And maybe I shouldn't have a care in the world either. I wish I could get my feelings out of this mess.
I wish I didn’t have feelings. Sometimes they’re so explosive I can’t breathe. A suffocating madness inside of me breaking to be set free.
Is that what real love feels like?
Chapter 31
Thoughts. Can you really have multilayered thoughts? I mean, sure I think about a few things at once. But, sometimes thoughts creep into my mind and I have to squash it out. Like the thought of Monterey and I forever. Now there’s a funny thought I can’t explore.
Even though every part of me wants to.
To say I can’t get enough of this woman is an understatement, but I need to. The season’s coming to an end, and I have things to do before it does.