Page 48 of Danger (The Driven World)
“Want to tell me what all that was about?”
He kisses me before he can answer and I let him, because kissing Danger is one of the best things in this whole wide world. And if he needs a kiss from me to help take away the pain I saw hidden in his eyes, then a kiss he’ll get.
I run my fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. And in that instant the kiss turns more urgent. Almost like Danger has something to prove. And I’m not sure if it’s to me or himself.
I let him work through his pain. Through his anger, using me as his anchor. I try to be here for him, ready to listen when he’s ready to speak.
He breaks the kiss and stares at me. And I swear his eyes have stories to tell. “I’m sorry.”
“What did Warren say?”
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
I don’t believe him. “Think you’ll be ok for the race?” What I’m really asking is if his head is in the game. After the last race in Indianapolis, I’m worried Danger may not be focused enough.
He kisses the tip of my nose. “I’m perfect, baby.”
“I have to talk to my father. I’ll meet you later today after practice.”
“Sure thing.”
We both head back to the garage and I find my father waiting by the door. “Monterey,” I nod, “a word?”
I follow him through the doors of a little office area, and take a seat. “What happened with Danger and Warren?”
My father laughs a little. “Oh, just boys being boys.” He waves his hand. “What did Amy Jenkins want?”
“An exposé on Danger and me. The relationship. No big deal.”
My father removes his glasses and produces a cleaning cloth from the inside of his suit coat pocket. He cleans the frames. “I’ve been expecting that.”
“I have something I need to talk to you about.”
My father puts his glasses back on. “Ok.”
“Do you think this is such a good idea anymore?” I stand. “It’s just that I went through so much bad press after my breakup with Thad, and I’m sure it’ll be the same thing once again.”
“Don’t let the media dictate who you are, Monterey.”
“No, I know.” I sigh. “It’s just I’m wondering if it’ll ruin my credibility once I take over Grander.”
My father crosses his arms over his chest. “I know you have reservations about how the public views you. And I’ll never forgive Thad for what he put you through. For what he put this company through. However, I don’t think Danger will end up that way. It’ll be a nice break up. A peaceful one.”
I smile. “I want to believe you, Daddy. I really do, but the media will paint me out to be a monster for letting a man like Danger slip away.” And I’m beginning to agree with how they’ll think.
“Is there something going on between you two?”
I bite my lower lip, not ready to tell my father the truth just yet. “No.”
“You sure?” He laughs a bit. “Because it sure didn’t seem that way when Warren mentioned your relationship.”
I park a hand on my hip. “Ok, spill it, Dad. What really happened?”
He rolls his eyes a bit. Which I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t like telling details like he’s gossiping in the ladies’ room. “Warren said once the season was over that you’d leave him.”
“He did?”
“Monterey, I’ve never seen Danger look so panicked. Like he didn’t want to lose you.”
I laugh. Because that’s ridiculous, right? Right?
Danger’s not afraid to lose me.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I do know. And I also know Danger has a good chance of being one of the greats.”
I rub my head, trying to ward off a headache coming on. “Yes, I know. I just don’t want anything to stand in his way.”
“Do you think he can’t focus because he’s so focused on being your fiance?”
I shake my head, not sure if that’s what it really is. I sit back in the seat next to my father’s wheelchair. “I’m just afraid someone’s going to get hurt.” Namely, me.
“Mont, your mother used to panic every time I put on a helmet and sped out onto a track. She feared for my life, but more importantly she feared for our future. It’s never easy to give your heart to someone.”
“Dad, that’s not what this is.” But my father just stares at me like he knows better.
“When you finally give your heart to someone it’s that fear that makes you want to rip it back from out of their arms. Like you handed them something breakable and you’re afraid their fingers are too slippery.”
I laugh a little. “Well, my heart is breakable.”
“Monterey, I think Danger has a lot of pain from his past he needs to overcome. I think you’re the only person who can help him ease that pain.”