Page 34 of Danger (The Driven World)
Danger gives me that legendary smile of his. “Well, I was there.”
I laugh, and then pull him closer, no longer caring if his face is smooshed into my chest. I’m happy he’s alive.
“Danger, I was so scared.”
He rubs my back. “I’m ok. Promise.”
The doctor comes back into the room and I step away from Danger. “Good news,” the doctor says. “Just let me get you some paperwork, and you can go.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
“You don’t realize how lucky you were.” The doctor smiles before leaving the room.
My phone pings in my pocket. It’s Lilah.
“Mandarin’s not too good. Third floor, if you’re here with Danger,” her text reads.
“Mandarin’s not too good. I’m going to go and check on them.”
“If you wait just a bit I’ll go with you,” Danger says.
My father smiles at me. “Mont, why don’t you head on up there and Danger and I will meet you in a bit.”
I nod, glancing at Danger one last time before I leave the room.
I take the elevator, not really sure what will await me on the third floor. Both our team members were taken out in one crash. I can’t even imagine what my father’s feeling at this moment.
When the lift doors open, I spot Lilah immediately. I wrap my arms around her. “How is he?”
“They’re not saying much.” She pulls out of the hug, her eyes watering with sadness. “How’s Danger?”
“He’s ok. Concussion, nothing too bad.” We make our way to two waiting chairs, and she sits next to me and I grab her hands. “Mandarin’s strong. He’ll be ok.”
She smiles. “You’re right. He will be.” I give her another hug, trying to be here for her.
Her blue eyes hold sadness as I stare into them. “He’ll be ok.”
I nod at her words. “My father will be here soon. Hopefully he can get some answers.”
The waiting room swarms with the pit crew and Mandarin’s manager, Harry. Everyone waits to hear anything from the doctors.
Five minutes later, Danger and my father exit the elevator. Danger wraps an arm around me when I stand to greet them.
My father crosses the room to speak with Harry. Danger pulls me closer. “He’s strong,” he whispers into my ear.
“I’m worried about Lilah, too.”
Danger releases me so we can both head in her direction. Lilah stands and gives Danger a hug, telling him she’s happy he’s ok. Most likely hoping Mandarin has the same great news.
We take a seat, and I can tell Danger’s tired, but I know he can’t sleep with a concussion.
After a few more minutes a doctor enters the room and my father and Harry greet him. Lilah rushes forward to hear the news, but I hang back a bit with Danger, holding my breath.
“He’s in surgery now. He punctured his spleen.”
Lilah gasps, and my father and Harry ask the doctor a few questions about the surgery.
I move closer to wrap an arm around Lilah.
And as I hold Lilah close, I realize how much she loves him. She can pretend that it isn’t that serious, but I can see it in the way she’s holding her breath with fear. It’s almost the exact same way I felt when I watched the accident.
I know Danger’s been through a lot today, but I need to ask him if his accident had anything to do with the reporter. Why did he let this one man get to him?
Danger never gets nervous. That’s what Mike said. That Danger wasn’t himself today, yet he was fine when we left the hotel.
I remember thinking he was a bit too calm. And now this. Now he let some reporter get the best of him.
I stare back at Danger.
His head hung low, his elbows resting on his knees. And when his eyes meet mine I can see there’s something hiding underneath, but I can’t figure out what it is.
I let go of Lilah’s hand and sit next to my father. “Dad, I’ll take care of everything.”
He stares at me, blinking wildly. “How?” he says the word like he’s lost all hope.
“I’ll find someone to drive as a replacement for both Danger and Mandarin if they’re both not able to drive next week.”
My father reaches over and squeezes my hand with his. “Thank you, Monterey.”
“I’m on it. I’ll handle everything.”
I stand up, heading back to Lilah to wrap her into my arms for another hug. “He’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.”
“I have to call his mother,” Lilah says, pulling out her phone from her pocket and I spot Danger seated near the back of the waiting room. “Are you ok?”
“This is all my fault.”
“Danger, you can’t think that way. You have split second decisions to make when you’re out there on that track.”
“I let that motherfucker get to me.” He won’t face me, keeping his head hung low.
“The reporter?” I ask him.
“Danger, what happened?”