Page 24 of Danger (The Driven World)
Danger knows what he’s doing. I swear the man was born in a race car.
It’s why my father has such faith in him.
And in me. And I need to be sure that I live up to my end of the bargain. If I plan to take over when my father retires, then I need to prove to him I can be the best thing for this team. And that I can play my part as the doting fiancée.
I almost feel like pretending to be involved with Danger is getting easier and easier the more I hang around him.
I clap as he spins the car around and comes to a stop.
“Show off,” my father grumbles with a laugh.
That’s Danger for you. He loves the attention.
A few fans have made their way onto the track, and the team’s security rushes over there, keeping the screaming girls at bay. Their eyes spot Danger and they scream even louder.
He emerges from the car and gives a little wave. He really is too good-looking for his own good. Sometimes I can’t handle how striking he is. It doesn’t turn me into some groupie, however, crying for his attention.
I won’t ever be one of those girls. I know first hand how it feels to be one. I was one for many years with Thad.
Maybe it was camouflaged as something more serious, but in the end, I realized I was nothing but another faceless girl to him, ready to do whatever he wanted.
I won’t let any man treat me that way again. That’s why I keep my heart guarded like an iron gate surrounds the fortress where it lies, beating, waiting for the white knight that will fight to keep it safe.
It’s silly, but a part of me still wishes for the fairytale.
And I know Danger isn’t the hero I’m longing for. No, he’s the test. The project my father instilled in me to see if I’m worthy of becoming everything I’ve ever wanted to be. I won’t let Danger ruin those chances.
“I’m going to meet up with Lilah before tonight.” I stand, waving at Danger before I leave the track.
“Wait,” he shouts, racing over to me and swinging an arm around my waist. “I don’t get a goodbye kiss?”
“Well,” I say with a blush. “I...well…” before I can even finish my thought, Danger’s lips are pressed firmly to mine, his tongue begging for entrance.
“Kiss me, dammit,” he growls when I don’t give in.
My lips are razor thin, not really sure how to give into this kiss. Even though every inch of me trembles.
“Fuck, Monterey, kiss me. You know you want to.” And then he palms my right ass cheek, squeezing so hard my mouth shoots open and he takes the kiss he so desperately wants from me.
And then it does turn needy in an instant, and I feel like I’m tumbling out of control.
I stumble a bit, but I don’t fall because Danger’s arms are wrapped securely around me as his tongue moves over mine. My arms cling to him, my fingers weaving through his hair like I need an anchor to hold on to.
I’ve never been kissed like this before in my life. And I don’t want to stop. But, as soon as I hear the crowd of angry girls hissing and shouting, I push against his chest, breaking the kiss. “I should get going,” I breathe out on a shaky breath.
Danger doesn’t release his grip on me. “What if I can’t let you go?”
I suck in air, because my lungs are straight up collapsing from his words. “You have to because I’m not yours,” I remind him.
He laughs against my lips. “You are mine. You just don’t know it yet, but don’t worry...I’ll keep reminding you every chance I get.” He drops his hands and heads back over to where Crank stands with the team.
I wave to my father in the stands as he smiles with a raised brow, like he’s happy we’re making a show of it all.
The only one who’s not convinced is me.
“Please don’t tell me anymore. I might combust from the hotness,” Lilah says with a high arch of her brow.
We’re here at the spa of the hotel, getting our mani/pedis before the dinner tonight with the team captains and managers, coaches, and of course, the talent. And I ended up telling Lilah my little secret about our pretend relationship.
She was shocked. But, she understood.
“I don’t know what to think about him. He’s just this way with all the ladies. I personally don’t think Danger knows how to act around a woman who isn’t trying to get into his pants.”
Lilah smiles. “That is the damn truth. But, maybe you should let loose. I mean, you haven’t had sex in forever.”
I swat at her with my wet polish. “That is so not true. I’ve had sex recently.” I bite my lower lip, trying to remember the last man I’d even slept with. “Ok, maybe it has been a long time.”