Page 20 of Danger (The Driven World)
Another fist comes flying from behind me and hits the back of my neck as I sway back on my feet.
And then the next few minutes, or seconds, flashes by in a blur and before I know it I’m being hauled from the bar in handcuffs with a very angry Monterey yelling at me.
All that nonsense I had said to myself about needing to be better went down the drain with the first punch.
The cop puts me in the back of his cruiser and I give him my full cooperation to make this whole process quick and painless.
This is seriously not what I had planned on when I left the room to get a drink. Sometimes it’s not me who gets into trouble, but it’s like I’m a magnet for it.
That maybe I’m more like him than I give myself credit for.
That thought stops me cold.
I sit in the back of the cop car, watching as the officer drives through the small podunk town toward what I’m assuming is the police station. My life has been one evolution toward becoming nothing like him. Nothing like anyone.
I’m my own man. My own being. I make my own path, and no one can take that away from me. I picture Monterey’s face as the cop was slapping the handcuffs on my wrists. She looked pissed, of course, but there was pure disappointment swimming in her eyes as she gazed at me too.
I felt like a loser.
I vow right now, in this car, never to have that look splash across Monterey’s face ever again. I don’t ever want to be the one to put it there.
She deserves better.
Chapter 12
I can’t believe Danger’s being carted off to jail in this small town in Kansas. I’m not sure of the details, but it looked like a very unfair fight when I stepped through the bar and caught the tail end of it.
Danger was being beat up by four men, but I have to say, he was doing very well for being outnumbered.
I follow the cop car, making my way to the police station. I call my father along the drive, letting him know the specifics, and to say he isn’t happy is an understatement.
“You’re supposed to be keeping him out of trouble,” my father’s voice booms at me.
“I can’t keep an eye on him twenty-four seven. I was in the shower.”
“Monterey, do you realize how important it is to keep him out of the media?”
I chew on my lower lip, hating when my father treats me like a child. “Yes, I know the press will get wind of this and blow it out of proportion.”
I hear my father let out a controlled breath. “What exactly happened?”
I relay the fight as I saw it, and wait for my father to digest the info.
“What were they fighting over?” he asks.
I shrug, even though I know he can’t see me. “I don’t know.”
“Well, you do now. He was fighting for your honor. You make sure the story says you were there together and someone hit on you, or whatever, and Danger started the fight to protect you. I think that’s the only way we can spin this.”
I nod. “Ok, I agree. Once I get to the station I’ll make sure the details are worked out.”
I hang up with my father, wondering how on earth I can get the story to change from Danger just fighting at random for no reason at all, to saying he was defending my honor.
“Are you Monterey Grander?” the officer behind the counter asks when I step into the police station.
“I am. Is he asking for me?” The town is so small I’m pretty sure Danger is probably the only person in custody right now.
“We have his statement, he says he was defending you to a bunch of assholes.”
I raise a brow. “He did?” I can’t believe he thought to say that.
I’m impressed.
“No one’s pressing any charges, so we’re releasing him. You two will be on your way in the morning, right?”
Thank goodness. Crisis averted.
I nod, trying to keep my eyes from blinking rapidly. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. I think this man has had enough for tonight. Get him out of here.”
I wait another thirty minutes before Danger’s finally released to me, and my eyes widen when I see him.
He looks like he’s seen better days. The press will definitely be asking about how he got the black eye and cut upper lip. “Let me take care of you,” I say to him when I help him into the car.
“I’m fine. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”
Stubborn man. I don’t know if I want to hug him or slap him…
He leans his head back against the seat and closes his eyes. “I just want to get out of here.”
I close his door and move around to the driver’s side. Before I start the car, I smile. “It was smart of you to say you were defending my honor.”