Page 34 of Filthy Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 3)
That thought makes me stutter. Damien really is the perfect guy, and here I am thousands of miles away, for what?
“Sorry to interrupt,” Amelia says, barging into my office with her perfectly thinned eyebrows on top of her forehead. They’re way too high. She looks surprised all the time. “Daphne was wondering if you finished the mock ups for the Peterson account.”
Daphne’s the boss, and she told me to take the weekend to finish the mock ups. “Oh, I planned on turning them in on Monday.”
Amelia picks at her fake red nails. “That’s not going to work, because I need to decide which one’s we’re going with.”
I drag my mouse over my mousepad, bringing my computer to life. “I can work on it before I head home?”
She rolls her eyes. “I guess that’ll have to do. Also, tomorrow we’ll need you to come in and work on the ad for that new account Daphne just snagged.”
“On Saturday? But, my boyfriend’s coming into town.” I realize I’ve said the wrong thing when Amelia raises her brows even further.
“Sorry, it’s a dog eat dog world.” And with those words, she leaves my office.
And I slump in my chair. Should I call Damien and tell him not to even bother coming? I’m so upset I’m about to cry when I realize, no, I need to see him, even if I have to work all weekend for the devil.
Night after night I stare at the bar, hoping by some miracle Shayne will appear. But, night after night I realize that’ll never happen. I hide myself away in my office most nights, knowing I’m merely existing without Shayne here.
My brothers have stayed away for the most part because I usually snap at them over the littlest of things.
“Hey,” Ben walks into my office, “you busy?”
Of course I am. I’m always busy missing Shayne. “What’s up?”
“We hired a new bartender. Just wondering if you wanted to meet him.”
I wave my hand, not really wanting to meet anyone. And then, it dawns on me. I do all the hiring around here. Since when does Ben hire people?
I glance around my office, and I realize I haven’t been doing much of anything since Shayne left. “You were right,” I tell Ben.
He smiles wide. “Of course I was.” Then, he leans in close as Axel enters my office. “Just what was I right about again?”
I laugh, smiling at both him and Axel. “You guys don’t need me.”
Axel laughs. “Been saying this for years. You’re like the third wheel.”
Ben laughs with Axel, staring at him. “The Twins. Has a better ring to it, don’t you think?”
“Ah yes,” Axel says.
I cut in with, “Shut up. I’m serious here. I’ve been so focused on this club for so long, wanting to make it the best Vegas has to offer, and look,” I spread my arms, “it is.”
“What are you saying?” Axel asks.
“He’s saying he’s moving to New York,” Ben says with a laugh.
“Really?” Axel’s green eyes go wide.
“Really. I love her, man.”
Ben and Axel smile, each of them slapping me on the shoulder. “Then go get her,” they say in unison.
“I’m moving to New York,” I say again, trying the words on for size. I can’t believe I’m really doing this. I’m leaving Vegas, and I still don’t have everything worked out, but I don’t care. I love Shayne, and there’s nothing in this world that will keep us apart.
I board the plane, knowing I’ll still need to come back to Vegas on Sunday so I can pack my things. But, I’m excited to tell Shayne I plan on moving to New York to be with her.
I’ve never felt so good in my life. Confidence swims in my veins, and I know I’m making the right choice. Shayne’s worth it.
The flight’s quick, and when I see Shayne for the first time in weeks my breath gets knocked from my chest.
I rush up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “I’ve missed you.”
She looks like she’s about to cry. “I’ve missed you too. And I have some bad news.”
“Whatever it is, it’ll be ok.”
“I have to work tomorrow. I’m so sorry.”
I smile. “It’s ok. Just gives me some time to check out where I’ll be living.”
She steps back, her green eyes growing bigger. “What do you mean?”
“Shayne, I love you and I want to move here with you.”
She stares at me like I’ve grown two heads, and a part of me worries she doesn’t want me to move in. “You? You’re leaving the club?”
“I can work from home.”
“But, you love that club. It’s your baby. And what about your brothers? Damien, this isn’t like you. You’re always so…” she doesn’t finish her thought.
So, I finish it for her, “Rational?”
“Well, I was thinking calculated. Like you don’t do spontaneous.”
“I do today. Shayne, I love you.”