Page 28 of Filthy Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 3)
“Mr. Patrick?”
“Hey Shayne. What’s up?”
I stand straight with my shoulders back as I approach my professor. For months I’ve been too afraid to look for jobs, worried my graphic skills were only subpar. But with Damien and his family hiring me, it’s given me more confidence with my skills.
“I’m almost out of the program, and I was wondering if you knew of any companies that need some freelance work?”
Mr. Patrick puts down his pen, smiling up at me. “I was hoping you would ask me something like that. You’re the most talented student I have.” He stops and raises his bushy eyebrow. “Just don’t tell any of my other students I said that. I will deny it.”
I hold up two fingers. “Scouts honor, your secret is safe with me.”
He laughs a little before typing on his computer. “I have three companies that have requested student work.” He types some more. “I’ve sent them your email address, and they should be getting in touch with you by the end of the week.”
I could totally hug this man, but would never. The happiness beaming from me is pretty evident in my smile, but I try not to act like a five-year-old. “Three? Thank you so much, Mr. Patrick. I promise I’ll do my best.”
“I have no doubt you’ll do me proud, Shayne. In fact, one of them is for a company in New York. Devonshire. Their in house graphic designer quit recently and they are on the lookout for a new young rising star.”
“Devonshire?” Everyone who is anyone has heard about the biggest company in graphic design. To work for them would be a dream come true.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for that.” I resist biting my lip, thinking of being a part of a graphic design team with Devonshire. Damien’s face flashes through my mind, feeling like a punch in the gut. Would I really want to leave him?
Mr. Patrick breaks into my thoughts before they can ride away on a tangent I’m not prepared to go on. “Give yourself more credit, Shayne. If you hadn’t come up to me I would’ve pulled you aside before you graduated, and offered you the same opportunities I’m offering you now. You are a very talented young lady, and I can’t wait to see what you do with these jobs and future ones.” He stands up putting his hand on my shoulder. “Have faith in yourself, and if you don’t feel like you can do the job, then have faith in me when I say, you’re good enough.”
I nod. “Thank you.”
He smiles. “You’re going to do great.”
“Thank you,” I say again as I head out the door.
The whole drive to the club my mind spins with possibilities. Devonshire. Wow. I can’t even wrap my head around it all. I can’t even think about the thought that I’d have to leave Damien.
Could I really leave him?
I shake my head as if the action will get the thoughts in order. Pulling into the parking lot, I push the thoughts to the back of my head. I won’t have time to think about it so there’s no reason letting them have real-estate in the forefront of my mind.
My phone pings and I glance down at it. Two emails with freelance work. I can’t believe how quick they responded. I can’t believe this is all happening so fast.
I open the emails, scanning the info really quick before leaving the comfort of my car.
The night shift passes by in a blur. Damien’s too busy all night for me to tell him the good news about what my professor said. I’m in a good mood as I sling drinks to horny women all night long.
After my shift, Eddie and I clean the bar up in record time. I want to get home to Damien, right now. Watching him dance earlier has my body all worked up into a frenzy.
Eddie and the rest of the staff leave and Damien comes down the stairs. “Shayne, can I talk to you in my office?” He crosses his arms over his broad chest and his tone sounds like something’s wrong.
Did I spill another drink?
I cross the club floor and follow him upstairs into his office. He shuts the door, locking it and then faces me. “There’s been a complaint.”
My heart sinks. “With who?” My mind races back to every customer I served tonight and I can’t think of one instance where anything was amiss.
“With me.”
“Yeah, it’s been entirely way too long since I’ve kissed you.”
I take a deep breath, knowing there’s nothing wrong with my job performance. He steps closer, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Well, I have a complaint too.”
“Oh yeah?”
I smile. “Yes, you have entirely way too many clothes on.”
“I was thinking the exact same thing about you.” He leans in, capturing my lips with his in a kiss that nearly knocks me off my feet.