Page 17 of Dirty Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 2)
Even though he’d been working all night, he smelled masculine and sexy as hell. His scent filled my nose, making the screaming women around me fade into darkness. I wanted to drown in him as he grinded against me. His body moving against me, causing a fire to burn deep in my abdomen, spreading through my veins like lava. My breath tightens as I think of his lips brushing against my neck to get to my ear, his deep voice penetrating, igniting a lust so intense I thought I was going to catch fire right there on the chair.
When he called my name I knew I shouldn’t have joined him on his porch. Now talking to him, listening to his excitement of getting out of dancing and owning his own club, he’s even more human to me.
But I’m a fool. I seriously thought I could give him a lap dance and turn him on while staying neutral. Well, I am not Switzerland. Every cell in my body came alive while I danced for him on his porch.
My body’s still alive with energy as I peel off my dress and jump in the shower.
Drying off, I barely pull on a tank top and shorts before landing face first in bed. Just as I’m melting off to sleep a scream pierces the air, bringing me back to the land of the living. I race down the hallway toward Felicity’s room. She’s in her bed whimpering, her little face scrunched up with fear.
“Hey, baby. It’s just a nightmare. I’m here.” I pull her toward me. Her tiny arms wrap around me as she shakes enough to almost knock me down. My heart breaks for her when she looks up at me with tears leaking out of her eyes. She’s been having nightmares for a while. I was hoping moving away would lessen them. I guess I was wrong.
“It’s ok.” I kiss the top of her head, closing my eyes as I breathe her in. I jump when there’s a loud authoritative bang on my front door.
Felicity’s eyes seek mine, I give her a little smile. “I’m pretty sure you woke the neighbors.” Her eyes widen. I kiss her tear stained cheek. “Let me go tell them everything is fine. Do you want to come with me, or stay in bed?”
“I’ll stay, but come back.”
“I’ll be right back.” I kiss her one more time, handing her the stuffed bunny she’s never without and walk to the door. I’m not sure how I know, but a feeling creeps in, knowing it’s Axel at my door.
There’s another loud knock on the door as I rush down the hallway. I peek through the peephole just in time to hear Axel yell that he’s going to kick the door down if I don’t answer.
“Alpha much?” I open the door, but my face drops at the panic clearly written all over Axel’s face.
His hair stands in all directions as he scans the room trying to find any threat. “Is Felicity ok? What happened?”
My heart thumps painfully in my chest when his worry for my daughter is evident. He asked about her first. I blink away the tears before he can see them.
Trouble, with a capital T.
“Felicity’s fine. She had a nightmare. I’m sorry if she woke you up.”
He finally stops scanning the room and turns toward me. His green eyes wide with worry. “Is she ok?”
“Yeah. Why don’t you come say goodnight to her?” For some reason, I take his hand feeling more at peace than I did ten minutes ago, and lead him down the hallway toward her room. Holding his thick warm hand feels right, but I push the thought away when we enter Felicity’s room.
She’s in her bed, rubbing her bunny’s ear, her eyes already getting heavy with sleep. She grins when she sees Axel standing next to me.
“Hey little one. I heard you had a nightmare. You scared me when I heard you scream. I ran right over.” Axel lets go of my hand and walks over to the side of the bed, getting down on his knees.
Felicity nods her head, the smile still on her face. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
He notices Felicity’s bunny and rubs his finger on the other ear.
“It’s alright. I’m sorry you had a nightmare. This looks like a strong protector. What’s your bunny’s name?”
Felicity sits up looking proud at her strong bunny. “Delilah,” Felicity answers him.
“Hello, Delilah,” he says, shaking the ear like a hand shake. This makes Felicity go into a fit of giggles.
Felicity yawns widely. I step into the room going to the other side of the bed, sitting next to her. “Why don’t you try and go to bed, baby.”
“The bad man won’t come will he?”
I cringe as I run my fingers through her hair. Felicity’s stupid father did this. I hate him for scaring my poor little baby. Axel studies Felicity before glancing at me. His forehead is creased, the frown on his lips letting me know he is going to find out who the bad man is before he leaves tonight.