Page 12 of Dirty Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 2)
“Why didn’t you tell us you moved next door to the Trifecta?” Lacey throws her hands in the air almost hitting the woman next to her.
“Because I didn’t realize he was a Trifecta.” I’m hoping by my hushed tones my girls will get the hint to quiet down.
“So what, you just thought you moved next door to some godlike creature? Or should I say, three godlike creatures?”
“Only two live at home. The other one is living with his fiancée. I’ve seen all three of them when they workout, but I didn’t put it together.” I don’t tell them that I was too busy lusting after one in particular to think about the other two.
“Wait? Is he the one who built Felicity the play structure?” Sindy asks, fanning herself at the thought of Axel working with tools.
“This is great. The Trifecta will totally help us now,” Sindy says.
“I’m not so sure. Actually maybe we should just leave,” I say, still looking at the door making sure Axel isn’t coming yet.
I met Sindy and Lacey when I first started dancing. They were the only two girls who were nice to me. We became friends instantly and haven’t left each other's sides since. When I got pregnant with Fel, and had to move clubs, Lacey and Sindy didn’t think twice to follow me. Because of their loyalty, I knew I was going to have to swallow my pride in order to ask the Trifecta to help us.
“Are you crazy? We’re not leaving,” Lacey says, her eyes wide and searching the club.
Of course I’ve heard of the Trifecta. It’s the whole reason we’re here. Hell, everyone in Vegas has heard of the Trifecta, and it’s because of their success that I allowed the girls to drag me out to the club tonight on my only day off this week.
We concocted a plan to become the female version of the Trifecta, the Triplets. The three of us are the exact opposites of each other. I’m the blonde fantasy. Lacey’s the black-haired, tanned skin vixen fantasy. Making Sindy the short red-haired fantasy. We’re the Triplets—at least one of us is your dream woman.
We came out tonight to scope out how the Trifecta moves on stage. To get an idea of how we should choreograph our routine. We were kind of hoping to catch one or more of their attention, so we could talk to them in order to learn even more.
But, now I want nothing more than to go home and hide. I can’t ask Axel for help. Not after I made a fool of myself by thinking he wanted to sleep with me.
“This is like a fairytale,” Lacey says with eyes wide like we’re at some adult version of Disneyland. “You move next door to a meanie who yells at your daughter, but then you find out he’s actually your prince.”
“He’s coming over here,” I hiss, stopping Lacey from planning out our wedding.
They both shut up and the three of us watch Axel move through the crowd. Women reach out to touch him, but he doesn’t stop for any of them. His attention’s set on me and he has determination written all over his beautiful face. I swallow hard when he’s halfway to me. My cheeks flame red just thinking of how stupid I was when I chastised him for looking at me like a piece of meat. I must have sounded so condescending when I told him I was an exotic dancer and he wouldn’t understand.
When he reaches us the determination on his face turns into amusement. “Fancy seeing you here, neighbor.”
“Hi, I’m Lacey.”
“I’m Sindy with an S.”
“Well, hello Lacey and Sindy with an S,” Axel says, shaking each of their hands, his eyes never straying from mine.
“The three of you are amazing on stage. We’d love to get some pointers from you. We’re dancers too,” Sindy says, still not letting go of Axel’s hand.
I intervene by extricating Sindy’s claw-like grip from Axel. “Sorry, she gets a little excited.”
“Ask him,” Lacey says, not bothering to be nonchalant.
“Ask me what? I’m taking your friend. I promise to bring her back.” Axel moves around me, taking my hand as he leads me away from the front row as my girls follow.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Is that what you wanted to ask?”
“Well, it is right now.”
Axel glances back at my friends. “Why don’t you girls go get a drink. Tell the bartender to put it on the Trifecta’s tab,” Axel says, still not answering my question.
Lacey and Sindy stand there with questioning looks. I love them because I know they won’t abandon me if I tell them to stay with me.
“I won’t hurt her I promise,” Axel says, noticing they aren’t moving.
“It’s ok. Get me a drink too.” They both wink at me, giggling and pushing each other as they walk away.