Page 48 of Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 1)
Charlie whispers into Maureen’s hair, she must’ve not agreed to whatever he said because she jerks back from him and gives him a death glare.
“What’s going on?” my dad asks me, but Maureen jumps in before I can explain.
“Clara brought this hired date to my wedding, and it’s an embarrassment for all of us.”
“I’ve told you already Maureen, Clara did not hire me. I came because she asked me if I would come and run interference between you and her. I came because as I’ve said before she’s my girlfriend, and wherever she is I want to be.”
“You’re a stripper.” Maureen beams at the shocked expressions she elicits from everyone around us. “We met him at my bachelorette party where he stripped and entertained us with his brothers. So please excuse me if I’m hesitant to have him here.”
“Once again, I’m a male revue dancer. Not a stripper. Not an escort. I don’t go around calling you a cow because you work in the dairy industry.”
I think everyone’s eyes go wide at Ben’s comment, but it’s so true, so I give his hand a little squeeze.
“Clara, how could you bring him here? I understand you have a hard time finding dates, but paying for one, especially one of his class, to escort you to my daughter’s wedding is pathetic.” Maureen’s mother smiles at Maureen, making her miss the frown my dad shoots at her.
“I brought him here because he’s my boyfriend and I want him here. I didn’t pay him. Even if I would have offered he would have said no because that’s the kind of man he is. A real one. I’ll just leave.”
“You can’t leave. We still have pictures and you’re going to do a toast to Maureen and Charlie after dinner. Don’t be silly, just ask him to leave so we can get back to celebrating the reason we’re here.” My stepmother moves in closer so the guests closing in on our conversation can’t hear her.
“I don’t see a reason why this young man should leave.” My father’s voice booms, crashing down all around us. “Tracy, you were a topless bartender when you were younger because you were a single mom. Why would we,” My father stops speaking to see if they’re listening. “condemn Ben for making a living? Let’s get back to the party. The guests are getting restless and we need to signal them to start dinner.”
I hug my dad, loving him for being who he is. I just wish he wouldn’t have married my evil stepmother who brought the stepsister from hell along with her.
“You’re right dear. The guests are beginning to stare. Let’s get through dinner.”
“No.” Maureen stomps her sequined-heel and causes more people to stare. “He slept with two of my bridesmaids and left them both broken-hearted. They’re a mess because he’s here. I refuse to have him here while making them feel bad.”
“Clara?” my dad asks, no longer bothering to keep his voice low.
“It was a long time ago,” I say angry with Maureen for bringing up Ben’s past. It’s not as if hers is pristine. Hell, I bet she’s slept with tons of people since Charlie put a ring on her finger. It makes me feel guilty throwing Ben’s past in his face last night. I should have known better, I was acting like Maureen—a bitch.
“If he leaves, then so do I.”
“Clara, don’t be so stupid. He’s just using you. You really are a naïve girl.” My stepmother stares at me with what looks like pity on her face.
“I’m not naïve. Ben was up front about his past, and I accepted him. He’s loyal to me and I am to him.”
“Clara, why don’t we discuss this tomorrow when your sister and her husband are off on their honeymoon.” My dad reaches for me, but I return to Ben.
I’m hurt when Ben doesn’t bring me to him like I thought he would, but I stand tall next to him not wanting to show weakness.
“Maybe it’s best if I leave,” Ben says, leaning in to kiss me, but pulling back at the last moment.
“What? No, if you leave I’m going with you.”
“Clara you should stay. I don’t want to come in between you and your family. I don’t want them talking behind your back that your date has slept with most of the people in attendance.” Ben steps away from me and I reach out, bringing him back to me.
I know what he’s trying to do, he's trying to save me from the backlash of his past, and I’m not going to let him play hero again. It’s my turn to stick up for him.
“Dad, Ben's my boyfriend and I’m proud of him.”
Ben’s mouth hangs open. He gives me a slow blink before snapping his mouth shut. I’m proud when he sticks his hand out to my dad and shakes it.