Page 39 of Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 1)
“I guess I’ll have to try harder next time.” Ben’s tongue traces the shell of my ear and I jump, pressing myself deeper into him.
“I thought I satisfied you enough on the way over here, but I guess I was wrong if you’re letting my brother rub all over you.” The anger in his voice is hot.
“You’re jealous.”
He pushes back and stares at me before leaning back in and biting the soft skin behind my ear. “I don’t get jealous.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Ben’s hands travel down my arm and I inhale deeply closing my eyes and letting the sensation wash over me. When he reaches my fingertips his hands make an inward turn and travel to my waist. He drags his palms over me with slow sensuality going up my waist, brushing over my breast before settling on my shoulders.
My breath can only be described as panting. I squeeze my thighs together. The large bulge digging into my stomach shows Ben is just as turned on as I am. Our lips are close to touching and his ragged breath mingles with mine. I open my eyes just in time to see Ben tilt his head and close in the little space between us. My hand brushes over his erection and he hisses. He looks at me with surprise. Just as our lips touch someone clears their throat next to us.
“Ben you’re being requested in VIP room six.”
All the sound Ben had magically erased comes rushing back. The loud bass-filled music, the screaming women, even the glasses being set on the table were muted as Ben leaned over me. I push Ben back, wondering if anyone saw my shameless actions. Ben tugs my chin, bringing my attention back to him.
“We’ll finish this later.” His lips brush over mine as he walks away.
“Do you want me to finish the dance you were getting?”
“Actually she has a meeting with Willie.” Damien holds his hand out and I take it, wobbling a bit when I stand up. Damien laughs, and puts his arm around me. He leads me out of the main room and toward a security door with Axel next to me.
“I wonder how much she had to pay to get all three Trifectas to pay attention to her?” a woman asks, eye-fucking Axel and Damien as we pass her.
I open my mouth but Damien holds me close, moving me faster.
“Where are we going?”
“I asked Willie if he could show you some of the books and programs he uses to run the club. He said to bring you up to his office,” Axel answers as we take the stairs up to the offices on top of the club.
“Are you sure you want me to be a part of this?”
“Clara, we have been looking for someone to help us get the club running. Ben got you fired and you have all the qualifications we were looking for. It’s like fate.” Damien squeezes my shoulder before knocking on a large wooden door at the end of the hallway.
After Willie tells us to come in, I’m immersed in the running of the club. Axel and Damien abandon me to go back to finish their shift. For the next couple hours, Willie and I make plans, while I ignore the huge security monitors on the wall.
Every time I glance at the monitors, I search for Ben. It’s like my eyeballs have a magnet where he’s concerned and it only takes me seconds to locate him. And when I do I have to stop myself from getting sick. Seeing Ben all over the women in the club, is just the reminder I need to stay away from him.
Chapter 16
“What do you think?” Damien asks, walking into Willie’s office. Axel follows him and I’m right behind them.
“I would hire her immediately. She has some great ideas that will help the change over go smoother. You picked a good one.”
My brothers beam at Clara and I smile at the red heating her cheeks. She squirms in her chair as she’s stuck in the adoration she’s receiving.
“It’s no big deal. Anyone could have made the suggestions I made.” She shrugs as she fiddles with a pencil on the desk, ignoring me as she glances at my brothers and Willie.
Willie shakes his head, patting her on the back. “Don’t be so modest. Your ideas are going to make this place double it’s money in a month. If I didn’t like you boys so much I’d call the real estate agent and cancel the sale myself.”
I want to tell Willie that Clara’s mine, but stop when I realize what I’m thinking. She’s not mine. And Willie is old enough to be her father. I’m Ben, the oldest Trifecta, I don’t need or want a woman to be mine.
“What do you say Clara? Do you want to come work for me?” Willie asks, putting his arm over her shoulder.