Page 37 of Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 1)
“I know it isn’t the best thing to say but you just blew my mind. You’re going to have to give me a second to recover.”
“You’re kind of cute when you’re vulnerable.” She kisses the tip of my nose.
I grab her by the back of the neck, tugging her closer, and kiss her. And even though I’m going to be late for work, I can’t stop kissing her.
My phone rings and we separate, glaring at my phone.
“Fuck it.” I pull her toward me, not giving a fuck about what I’m missing.
My phone rings again and I finally grab it. “What?”
“We were just wondering if you got lost?” I can hear Axel’s smirk over the phone.
“I’ll be there in five.”
“See you soon, big brother.” He laughs as he hangs up, most likely knowing exactly why I’m late.
And I don’t care. Because every part of me wants to stay in this Rover and continue exploring her body. She’s definitely coming home with me tonight.
Fuck keeping things about business.
Chapter 15
“And now for what you all came for,” the DJ announces as the lights change. The crowd stands up in what looks like a bad rendition of a wave, but instead of the audience standing up and sitting back down they stay standing and each of them attempts to out scream the other.
I put up a big fight, keeping the wince off my face. But even I can’t win as women clamor over each other to declare their love for the man I just sucked off in his car after his fingers gave me a universe-changing orgasm. I rub my thighs together. The tingle’s just a reminder of what we did.
The deep thump of the Trifecta’s music blasts through the air. The heat must have been turned up because a trickle of sweat makes its way down my spine. Goosebumps rise over my arms. I huff out annoyed at my reaction. I fan my face and a woman next to me winks as if she knows what’s going on in my life.
“I think the AC is broken,” I say, fanning my face harder.
The lady next to me laughs and shakes her head. “Is this the first time you’ve seen the Trifecta?”
“No, I actually saw them a couple of times. In fact, one of them gave me a personal lap dance last week.” Ben steps out on stage and the roar of women makes it impossible to talk so I point, indicating it was Ben.
Instead of feeling like I won, the stare she gives me looks like pity instead of envy. I bristle and push back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. More sweat runs down my back, and if I could tear my gaze from Ben, I would find someone to fix the thermostat which is obviously broken.
Ben glistens under the excruciatingly hot lights. He must have some type of desert-rat blood in him because the hotter the building becomes the more Ben thrives. The whole place is in chaos and as the Trifecta’s hips swivel and thrust around on stage, the chaos edges with a hint of insanity.
After the Trifecta leaves the stage the roar still has my ears ringing. Just like every other woman, I watch the door where we all know the Trifecta will be exiting to mingle with the crowd.
“You should give it up.” The woman next to me doesn’t move her attention from the still closed door.
My head whips to her and I want to gouge her eyes out. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be. Listen, you’re not the first and you won’t be the last girl who gets hung up on Ben or any of the other Trifectas. They’re a single use item. Just think of yourself as lucky for getting to play with one before you have to turn it over to the next lucky girl.”
Yuck. Is this lady for real? I want to explain to her everything, but I doubt she’d believe me. I try anyway. “It isn’t like that.”
“That’s what they all say.”
Before I can rip her a new one for being a snotty bitch, the man we’re talking about struts through the door. Fake boobs and nails are pushed toward Ben. I have to wonder if he’s going to asphyxiate on nipples. Pink, blue, red, and other acrylics lash out, touching wherever they can get to.
Ben’s smile flashes and I can hear panties getting wet just at the glance of his pearly-white teeth. My first experience with red-hot jealousy makes me all prickly and dirty. My brain burns from seeing the amount of silicone around Ben. I swear it has to be borderline toxic.
The other two brothers exit the door, distributing the attention of the silicone amongst the three of them. A not so sneaky snort leaves the woman next to me.
“See what I mean? With so many available options, why would they want to do redos?”