Page 28 of Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 1)
“He’ll get bored with you,” the blonde leader says as the three of them walk away.
And for the first time tonight, doubt creeps in. He will get bored of me. That’s what he does. It’s his MO. He only sleeps with a woman once, and then moves on.
And he’s coming over to my house after work. And come on, I know it’s not for ice cream and board games. No, it’s for sex.
Will he get bored with me and then not take me to Maureen’s wedding?
I can’t find out the answer to that.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you and Ben, but I’m not buying it,” Maureen says, putting her hand on my arm as if she wants to comfort me, but her statement is the opposite of sisterly concern.
“Fine. Don’t buy it.”My good spirits are crushed, and I no longer care if Maureen believes I’m bringing Ben to her wedding. I still don’t even know if we’ll make it until then.
“Did you hire him to be your date at my wedding? You don’t have to waste your money. I have plenty of friends who would take pity on you and escort you. Although having him at the wedding will be a nice present for me. I still want to have my one night with him.”
“I didn’t hire him to go to the wedding. I asked him and he said yes. I don’t need anyone to take pity on me.”
Maureen pats my hand and gives me a placating look. “It’s ok, Clara. I understand you want to be independent, that's why you have your little job. I just don't want any drama at my wedding. We both know he’s not into you. I mean look at you. The only reason I'm allowing him to come is so I can have him.”
“I’m leaving.” I stand up and run right into Ben who’s holding two blue drinks with cherries floating in it.
“Hey, I was just coming to see you. I have one more dance and then we can get out of here.” He hands me a drink and gives Maureen the other. “Compliments of the house.”
“We were just leaving,” I say, putting the drink down and taking Maureen’s away.
“What? No we weren’t.” Maureen snatches her drink and thrusts mine into my hands.
“Leaving, are you ok? I thought I was going to take you home?” Ben’s stutter is adorable and I rethink about letting him take me home.
No, I can’t let him get bored before taking me to Maureen’s wedding. Especially now that she thinks I hired him.
And I definitely can’t show up to that wedding alone. I wish Charles would just see the real Maureen and call off the wedding, but I don’t see that happening, because I kind of think Charles is the exact same way.
There’s no love there.
“I’m fine. I just don’t think going home with you is a good idea.”
“You’re not going anywhere. Sit. I’ll be right back.” Ben pins Maureen with a glare. “Do not let her leave.”
“What did you promise him? How much?” Maureen asks after I plop down in my seat.
“I didn’t promise him anything.”
Before Maureen can argue the DJ announces the Trifecta is about to hit the stage. The noise level should be shattering the glass from all the women screaming, but the noise stops when Ben walks on stage.
Ben moves like a beast across the floor, studying his prey in the crowd. Me.
My eyes are glued on him.
And I can’t turn my head if I wanted to. If you asked me what his two brothers were doing right now, I wouldn't be able to tell you. When his glistening pecs catch the lights, all thoughts flee from my head. The only thing bouncing around in my empty head is how fast I can get him alone and naked.
The hell with what those women said.
The hell with what Maureen thinks.
And the hell with the wedding.
I watch his hips move with the music and my mouth waters, thinking about what’s underneath. I wonder what he can do with those moves off the stage. I want to find out.
When the Trifecta leave the stage, I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been.
I watch the backstage door waiting for Ben to come out and claim me. Maureen keeps talking, but I haven’t paid any attention to what she’s saying. When the door opens, women run toward it. I can’t see Ben with all of them clamoring to be near him.
“Did he forget about you?” Maureen says next to me. “Don’t worry you can ride home with me.”
I refuse to turn my head, not wanting to see my gloating stepsister. The sexual tension Ben poured over me during his lap dance, and made thicker while he danced on stage, vanishes. The heat’s gone and now chills wash over me as I wish for a sweater.