Page 16 of Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta 1)
“Let me guess I’m the only woman to puke and pass out in the presence of the Trifecta.” Clara sees right through my attempt to change the subject. Her guess gets both my brothers to laugh. I hurry up grabbing her air-dried dress off the hanger in the laundry room so I can get her away from my brothers.
“Well that’s true, but you’re also the only one Ben hasn’t been able to charm. And that makes you a legend,” Damien says as I groan.
“All right, I’ve got your stuff. Let’s get going.” I take Clara’s mug from her and rinse it out. “See you assholes later.” I shuffle Clara out of the kitchen, flipping my brothers off in the process.
“It was nice meeting you,” Clara says, attempting to turn around and wave.
“It was nice meeting you, too,” Axel says as I reach the door.
“Stay away from the alcohol,” Damien says and I can’t help but smile at Clara’s annoyed sniff.
“Sorry about that. My brothers didn’t get the civilized gene when we were born.”
“It’s fine. They made my mortification bearable.”
“Yeah, I let my stepsister and her friends get to me, drank way more than I could handle, puked in front of you and your brothers, and passed out in a stranger’s bed. Everything I did last night was taught in, ‘How Not To Party In Vegas 101.’”
I grin. “It wasn’t all that bad. Big Willie’s is known for looking out for its clients. Chuck’s the best bouncer there is and he would’ve made sure you got home safe. And don’t forget I spent three hours with your sister and her friends. I can tell you I wouldn’t have been able to handle fifteen minutes if I wasn’t being paid.”
Clara smiles wide, but turns to stare out the window so I can only see half of her upturned mouth. “Ugh, I just want to go home, shower, and pass out in my bed.”
“You will get all of that after I make sure you eat something.”
“Thanks, but I’m not hungry.”
“Which is exactly why you need to eat. I promise you’ll feel a lot better, and you’ll be able to sleep instead of worrying about your stomach revolting on you.” And I don’t want her to leave just yet. I hate to admit it, but I’m kind of enjoying her company.
I pull into a hole in the wall diner. Clara doesn’t make any attempt to get out of the car. Her face is even paler than when she woke up. She needs food. And a bed. And me in the bed with her. Ok, seriously, my thoughts need to stop.
“I’ll be right back.” I hurry into the diner and order her food to go. I keep wondering why I feel the need to take care of her, but I can’t figure it out. This isn’t my MO. Normally, I satisfy my woman of the night in bed, and send her on her merry way. Getting pancakes to go is new to me. Also, cuddling her while she slept, is not me. And I’m keeping that little gem to myself because if my brothers find out, they’d pick on me for days.
Clara gives a relieved sigh when I pull into her lush townhouse.
“How are you going to get into your place?” I ask, remembering she doesn’t have any of her personal belongings.
“Maureen lives next door. My dad bought her the unit next to me when he married her mother.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” Once again I should just give her a nod and back my car the hell up without a single glance in my rearview mirror. This is more than I do for any of the women I take home, and all I did was cuddle her while making sure she was hydrated.
Am I losing my touch?
“No, I’m just going to get my stuff from her and go to bed.”
“Make sure you eat first.”
“Thanks, Ben.” For a second her eyes hold something in them like honesty. She is thankful for my help last night, which makes me want to be more of a gentleman in her presence. Even though the need to sleep with her is strong, I won’t let those thoughts get in the way of just being there for her.
Now I think my head needs to be mentally examined. Something’s wrong with me.
I wait until her sister thrusts her purse into her hands, slamming the door in her face. Clara waves at me as she reaches in her purse pulling out her keys, and yet I still stay until she closes the door behind her.
I finally pull away, knowing if I stay one second longer I can have stalker charges pending against me. There’s just something different about her that I can’t quite figure out.
* * *
“Are you going to take all the hot ones?” Rick’s voice whines, and I glance in his direction. I crack a very fake smile that has Axel and Damien scrutinizing me.