Page 37 of Never Kiss A Stranger
Things escalate when we end up on a pillow-soft bed. His hands touch everywhere, and then he breaks the kiss, hovering over me.
“Fuck,” he groans out. “You make me so hard, Kiki. I’ve never wanted anyone so bad.”
His raw and needy words, spur me to say things I never have, “Touch me, please,” I beg.
He presses his hardness into me, and whoa, he’s big. He holds his position, not making a move, his green eyes still searing into mine. “I’m going to keep kissing you until you’re moaning out my name when you come.”
“Promise?” I challenge, feeling more confident in his arms.
He smiles, slow and steady, like I’ve just said everything he’s ever wanted to hear. “I promise, and just so you know, I never make promises I can’t keep.”
My breath hitches. This man means what he says, and I’m ready to find out if it’s true. He presses into me, and I feel like I’m riding a wave that doesn’t break. It’s incessant. Dizzying. He’s really rocking my world. And if it doesn’t stop, I might just...puke?
“Ellis,” I say against his lips.
“Mm, I love when you say my name.”
The boat dips and sways, and my stomach goes with it. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
He stops, but the movement doesn’t. “Oh shit,” he says. “You’re white as a ghost.” He pokes me in the belly with his hard-on as he lurches off the bed and grabs a trash can. “Here. Just in case. I’ll grab some medicine.”
“Thank you,” I say, sitting up. Big mistake.
I’ll spare you the details of what happens next. All I can say is, we get to know each other a whole lot better.
* * *
“I’m really sorry,” I apologize again, for the millionth time. “I’ve never gotten motion sickness before.” Once we’re back on solid ground, the sickness goes away in an instant.
And I have to commend Ellis for being a true champ. Other guys—e.g. Henry—would probably just let me be sick in private, not lending help.
And I’m beginning to realize Ellis isn’t like most guys.
“It’s really ok,” Ellis assures me as we walk under the moonlight toward Urban’s now darkened house. “He’s probably sleeping.” I follow him up the stairs and across the deck. “Urban? You home?” he calls out when we step inside the patio doors.
A light flicks on in the kitchen. “Ellll-isss,” Urban slurs, stumbling a bit to drape his arms around Ellis. “And Kikikiki,” he hiccups through my name. “You’re back.” He looks at Ellis’ bare chest. “Where’s your shirt?” He takes his off and flings it. “I don’t need one either.”
He too has a six-pack. Must run in the family.
“Kiki got a little seasick,” Ellis explains. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Not much,” he says but the evidence sitting on his kitchen countertop says that’s a lie. An empty bottle of Hendrick’s lays on its side with another half-empty bottle right next to it. He turns his attention to me. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah,” I answer. “The boat is all clean. Ellis took the brunt.”
He laughs, bringing his drink to his lips for another swig. “The boat doesn’t matter. Kiki, did you know we’re going to lose everything?”
Before I can ask what he means, Ellis grabs the drink from his hand. “Ok, there. Let’s take this and get you some coffee. I’m kind of becoming an expert at taking care of drunk people.”
I spring into action. “I’ll make the coffee, if you want to get him onto the couch.”
“Smart thinking.” Ellis puts an arm around Urban and navigates him into the living room.
It only takes a few minutes for me to find a mug in his cabinets and pop a pod into his Keurig.
“You two make the best couple,” Urban mumbles from the couch as I approach.
“Oh, we’re not a couple,” I say, placing the mug of steaming coffee on the table in front of him.
Ellis’ eyes dart to me.
“No, you’re a couple,” he continues on. “Ellis was just saying he wanted to marry you.”
“What?” Ellis says. “Someone’s clearly drunk and speaking gibberish.”
Urban points at him. “You said you wanted to marry her.”
Ellis coughs out a laugh and turns back to meet my gaze. “Pretty sure he’s got alcohol poisoning.”
“It’s ok,” I finally find my voice to say, my heart galloping at Urban’s words. “I’m not expecting marriage or anything.”
“But you were already engaged,” Urban slurs once more before passing out.
I cringe.
Ellis rubs the back of his neck. “Um, listen, ignore him. I never said anything like that.”
“It’s ok. I can only imagine how this must look to him.” I sigh, wanting to clear the air. “I wasn’t looking to replace Henry.”
“I know. That’s why I don’t want to feel like we’re rushing into anything...but, I would like to take you out. In a social setting.”
Instead of agreeing to more shenanigans, I do the right thing and avoid it, “I should head home. I have an eight a.m. spin karaoke class in the morning.”