Page 12 of Never Kiss A Stranger
Maybe he’s mentioned him all the times I’ve drowned out his work stories. Ok, from here on out, I promise never to drown out anything Henry ever says again.
But, it’s no use because Henry put his phone down and is now saying something to me, and I have no idea what it is.
Whatever he said, he finds my smile and nod acceptable. I probably just agreed to have spaghetti every day for the rest of our lives. Pull it together, Kiki.
Henry picks up the leatherbound menu and studies it. “What are you going to have?”
I can’t even think about food right now, but I open my own and skim the entrees, waiting for an item to pop out at me. “Panzanella, maybe.”
“But spaghetti is your favorite,” he says, his voice raising an octave.
“Well, don’t want to over do it,” I throw back with a smile.
“Ok, I’m getting the chicken piccata.”
The waiter arrives to take our order and when he’s gone, now is my chance to ask about his friend while Henry is electronic free.
“So, that man, Ellis, how do you know him?” I ask in a very blasé way. Or at least what I hope is blasé.
“Old friends from high school.” He shakes his head with a smile as if he’s remembering the good old days. “He moved away right after graduation.”
Henry shrugs. “Business. He lives in Atlanta and is only here for a little bit.”
I shake off the momentary—inappropriate—sadness and remind myself I’m getting married to this man before me. “So, is he single?” My heart flutters inside my chest. That was so hard to ask, even though I know I’m asking for Lola. “Lola had her eye on him.” Come on, I know she didn’t. But, that was such a hard question to ask.
“I don’t really know, but I’m thinking yes.” Henry appears like he’s on board for Lola and Ellis dating. I wish I could be right there along with him, but for some reason something is holding me back. “We can have a double date,” Henry says.
I need to think of ways not to be around Ellis, not for more ways to be around him. As soon as the food arrives, I launch into the story about how happy Darlene was with Georgia’s wedding, but most of the conversation falls on deaf ears. Henry is back to tapping away on his phone, and is only half-listening to me again.
As soon as dinner is over, Henry leads me out of the restaurant with his arm around my shoulders. “It’s still early, why don’t we see what Ellis and Lola are up to now?”
Every part of me wants to just go home and call it a day, but I send a text to Lola, and of course, she’s up for going out.
After a few minutes, it’s settled—we’re all hanging out at a tiki bar on the water.
Henry holds my hand as we make our way the few blocks to the beach and toward the neon sign of Rum Forest Rum. Inside, we squeeze through the people to the back patio where we find a table, surrounded by tiki torches, and wait for Lola and Ellis to arrive. Henry orders our drinks and when my daiquiri arrives, I suck down a healthy portion. Worse comes to worst, I’ll grab a torch and tell Ellis he’s voted off the island.
My drink is history by the time I spot Lola in an aquamarine sundress, waving and approaching our table.
“I’m so happy you called,” Lola says, smiling.
Before she can sit, I pull her away from Henry, who is focused on the big screen TV.
“It’s a set up,” I whisper.
Her blue eyes focus on me. “What do you mean? Set up how?”
Before I can get anymore into telling her it was all Henry’s idea, Ellis strides into the bar, looking like candy on a stick.
And by the way the women stare at him, they definitely want a lick.
Henry waves him over. It’s all happening so fast, and Lola’s eyes grow bigger as she connects the dots. I can see it all over her face. And she’s not too happy. I mean, sure, she’s happy to be hanging out, but she’s not on board with this plan.
“I’m not into Ellis,” she whispers in my ear as soon as all the hellos have taken place and drinks are flowing.
“Really?” I question her absurdity. In his dark jeans, and simple black t-shirt hugging his biceps, Ellis is the epitome of sexy. If you’re into that kind of thing. Which I’m not. I prefer Henry. I mentally slap myself for that thought.
Henry and Ellis chat, while Lola and I edge away from them. “I’m sorry. I panicked, ok?” I tell her.
“Panicked how?”
“I was asking questions about him at dinner, and well, Henry suggested a double date. And I…”