Page 8 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
“Honey, you’re going to be the death of me,” he groans before tilting his head back with a shout. Then, I literally feel the bottom of his member pulse as he releases, a second load of virility shooting down my throat as he fills my mouth with a huge, creamy load.
The two men stand there, panting in satisfaction, their blue eyes almost glowing in the darkness.
“Holy shit,” one of them says.
“Fuck me,” rasps the other.
But it’s time to make my move now.
“Well fellows,” I say with a sweet smile while standing and brushing myself off, “that was fun, wasn’t it?”
And with that, I sashay away, my hips swaying, breasts bouncing, and the taste of two men in my mouth. Holy crap, did that really just happen? This is the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done, but I don’t regret it one bit. Instead, with a secret smile, I make my way to the hotel, satisfied at last.
I rub my tired eyes and take another swig of piping hot coffee from my mug. At the desk across from me, my twin brother Brandon has his eyes closed. I throw a binder clip at him.
“Wake up, bro.”
“I am awake,” he growls, keeping his eyes closed as he speaks.
I shake my head at him, but of course he can’t see the gesture. I glance around the police station, noting how empty it is, probably because it’s still early in the day.
“Hey,” I call to my twin again. “Yo, get up.”
“What?” Brandon snaps and sits up grumpily, his striking sapphire eyes the same exact shade as mine. Ladies have said our eyes remind them of open country sky after an intense rain, but I’m modest. I prefer to say that they’re blue.
“Holy shit, last night,” I begin slowly.
Brandon shakes his head then stands up quickly, gesturing for me to follow him. I comply and we head into the break room, pulling the door shut behind us. I glance out the window as I continue to speak.
“We’re going to keep that between us, right?”
“Of course,” my twin answers sharply while pouring another cup of coffee. “But it was hot,” he says with a smirk.
I nod. “That woman was gorgeous – I’ve never seen her around these parts before. Or in Sheridan at all, for that matter.”
Brandon shrugs in agreement. “She must be new and looking for work. Wonder how she ended up in town?”
I nod with a frown, considering the line of work that poor girl is in. It’s especially troubling because she seemed so young and vibrant. How does a girl like that end up on her knees, servicing strange men in the bushes?
Yet it happened, and I still can’t get that curvy figure out of my mind. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Last night was supposed to have been part of an ongoing sting, one that Brandon and I have been working on for the last several months. Operation Criminal Intent is equal parts undercover work and equal parts law and order. The idea is to catch johns in the act. We don’t focus on the hookers because honestly, the girls are just trying to make a living. But the men? That’s another story.
Then again, Sheridan isn’t exactly known for its crime scene. However, there’s been a recent influx of journeymen seeking the comfort of professionals, and it’s become an issue as of late. They’re not so careful anymore. They no longer use hotel rooms, or even their trucks. Instead, it’s out in public, and sometimes when it’s not even dark. We can’t have children wandering upon a scene like that.
Which makes last night both wildly inappropriate and all the more enticing. My brother and I were undercover last night, and we were supposed to be handcuffing men, and hauling them to jail. But something about that curvy, ripe woman was irresistible, and before we knew it, things had gone from zero to sixty. The way she fell to her knees immediately, as if worshipping us. The way she caressed us before swallowing every drop and looking up at us with glowing eyes …
But it was wrong, and my brother and I completely fucked up.
“The Sarge is going to ask what happened when comms went out,” Brandon grunts. I turn my attention back to him.
“Well, we caught that one guy,” I say.
Brandon nods. “Yeah, but you think that’s going to appease him? Just one guy all night?”
I sigh heavily, staring at my mug.
“I don’t know,” I concede. “Shit.” I consider my twin brother, younger by three minutes and yet the more careful of the two of us. Brandon’s sharp eyes take in every detail, his angular jaw is powerful, and his skin is a perpetually deep bronze. I’m identical to him in nearly every way, but I’ve been told I have the gentler gaze between the two of us and tend to smile more often than my twin. We make a solid team, and I know our easy alliance is what makes us effective at our jobs.