Page 3 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
I stroll further along the main walkway, noting a coffee shop where I could grab breakfast tomorrow, as well as a cool looking dive bar already blaring some sort of country honky-tonk through its open door. My stomach growls again, however, reminding me that the current mission is dinner. I scan the buildings and notice a cozy looking spot called ‘Sherry’s Diner’ and cross the street to check out the menu. It’s a greasy spoon to be sure, but the list of entrees looks delicious – all fried and fatty and just the kind of comfort meal I’m looking for.
And within my price range too.
I pull open the door and a bell gives off a musical tinkle, announcing my presence to owner and dinner guests alike.
I nod a few quick hellos in response the other customers’ greetings and settle in at a small booth near a window. Within seconds, a waitress comes over and drops a faded menu onto the table in front of me. I smile up at her, but she barely glances at me.
“What will you have to drink, hun?” the older woman asks, her checkered orange and purple dress matching the setting sun outside. She taps her pencil against her notepad a bit impatiently.
“An iced tea, please,” I tell her.
“Know what you want to eat?” she asks. I shake my head no. “All right then, I’ll bring your tea right out and take your order after.”
I smile at her once more before I turn my attention to the array of options listed in the menu. It’s a typical diner-like joint that – according to the back of the paper – has been serving Sheridan since 1982. I grin as I try to imagine the old server having been a young twenty-something once upon a time.
I skim the entrees and settle on a tried and true burger option. Just in time, too, as the slightly crotchety waitress has returned with my tea, one hand planted impatiently on her hip.
“Well?” she drawls.
“I’ll do the burger and fries, please. Medium rare.”
She jots down the order. “You want the special sauce on those fries?”
I shrug. “Sure, sounds good.”
“All right then. It’ll be out in a few.”
I watch as the waitress trudges away, her orange hair almost glowing, and then turn my attention back to the world beyond the diner.
It’s gorgeous in these parts, I realize while staring out the window. Even though we’re in the downtown area, I can see a beautiful sunset over the rooftops, and the sky is vast and clear. I smile absently while watching a mom and her daughter load groceries into their car, trying to imagine how Juniper is going to handle another set of twins on top of her darling but rowdy boys.
Just as quickly, I shake my head. Juniper is lucky – she’s engaged to two insanely handsome cowboys who are her rocks in life. Shane and Stanton adore her, so she won’t be pulling the cart alone.
I’ve only met my friend’s fiancés a few times, but it was enough to know that the two brothers love my best friend fiercely. They’re affectionate, kind, and protective of her. Yes, it was a bit of a shock when she announced she was in a relationship with two men, but who am I to judge? Everyone follows their own path in life, and if anything, Junie’s lucky to have twice the amount of adoration.
I, on the other hand…
I shake my head once more, refusing to feel down. The whole point of this vacation was to get my mind off my future and just enjoy life for once.
Minutes later, the waitress comes back carrying a massive plate filled with a gigantic burger and a pile of piping hot fries. Oooh, perfect. She sets a creamy looking dipping sauce next to the plate and the aromas almost knock me over.
“Enjoy,” she offers before walking away.
Always charmed by surly locals, I don’t take her standoffish behavior to heart. Instead, I stare at the heap of food and am bowled over with anticipation. How will I ever eat this all?
Tentatively, I dip a scalding hot fry into the little sauce bowl. Flavors explode on my tongue and I almost pass out. Mm, yum! With a smile, I pop the whole thing into my mouth and am immediately delighted by the novel combination: chipotle and spicy peppers and something a little bit sweet. Eagerly, I dig into the sauce, gorging myself on too many fries too quickly. It’s worth it though, and my stomach rumbles in appreciation.
So far, my first night in Sheridan isn’t so bad, since this burger is hitting the spot. Not too bad at all. But I’m still a naughty girl at heart, and I know what would make it even better: meeting men, and letting it all go. Yes, Junie warned me to keep my clothes on, but sometimes, a girl has to have some fun in her life. As I finish my burger, a thought pops into my mind, and I grin saucily knowing that the best has yet to come.