Page 25 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
Ben nods. “Do you think we should get ahead of whatever it is and go see the Sarge ourselves?”
I shake my head. “No, because Josh is just too idiotic. It’s like trying to herd cats, and we’d just be chasing our tails.”
Unfortunately, at exactly that moment, the door to the Sergeant’s office opens and our boss steps out, hands on his hips as he surveys the room. His sharp green eyes land on Ben and me.
“Officers Cartwright,” his voice bellows across the busy work area. “My office, now.”
A few colleagues look up, but for the most part, they continue plodding away at their desks. Everyone is used to Nelson’s terse voice. It’s how he speaks to the entire staff, regardless of his mood. He’s the old cowboy type who is no-nonsense, gritty, dry, and could care less for polite formalities.
After all, Michael Nelson is an older man, maybe in his early sixties. His graying hair is buzzed and his physique resembles a block, with the solidity of a cannon ball. If anyone has noticed his slight paunch, no one would dare comment on it. The man is tough, formidable, and doesn’t put up with bullshit.
I follow my brother into the Sergeant’s office, noting that Josh seems particularly interested in our activities. The shaggy man is practically panting as watches us until we’re out of sight.
Maybe he was onto something, I think absently, feeling unnerved by this turn of events.
The Sarge closes the door behind us, effectively canceling out the noise of the busy room beyond his office.
“Gentlemen,” he says as he crosses behind his paperwork-laden desk. “Have a seat.”
Ben and I settle into the two guest chairs across from our boss, wondering what this meeting might be about. One sidelong glance at my brother and I can tell that he’s also wound up. Shit. How did Josh do this to us?
“I’m not going to sit here and play games with you two,” the older man jumps right in. “So I’ll ask you outright – is there anything you want to share with me?”
I turn my head slightly, surprised by the vagueness of the question and unsure what the Sarge might want to know.
“Sir?” Ben asks, sounding equally confused by the question. My twin and I exchange a quick glance, but neither of us has a clue what our superior is asking about.
“I don’t think so, sir,” I offer.
Sergeant Nelson gnaws at his cheek and looks at his boots, nodding his head as if deep in thought. Finally, he looks back at us, his green eyes hard like pieces of flint. Then, he leans forward, folding his hands and resting them on the desk in front of him. The man is obviously uncomfortable and clears his throat with a gargle.
“Let me ask you again, and I’d like a different answer this time,” he begins. “Is there anything you want to tell me about the woman living with you?”
I feel my eyebrows raise, surprised but also not that shocked that the Sergeant is asking about Bess. Ben and I aren’t exactly keeping our relationship a secret, but we’re private people. Clearly someone at work must have found out and wanted to cause drama. My mind immediately leaps to Josh as the culprit, but I decide to come clean with our boss.
“Ben and I met a really sweet, wonderful girl. She’s from over in Lake Puckett. And yes, we’ve been having a three-way relationship with her for the last several months. She’s even moved in with us.” I look at my brother who nods slightly.
At my candor, Sergeant Nelson raises his fuzzy gray eyebrows. “The two of you are sharing a woman?” he asks. “What the fuck does that mean?” His astonishment over this particular detail is apparent.
I nod. “We know it’s unusual, but this isn’t a one-off thing. We’re not using her or anything, and this is a real relationship.”
“We’ve fallen in love with her,” Ben interjects bluntly. I look at my brother, my turn to be surprised by the candidness of our conversation. “We want to be with her,” he states in a firm tone.
I turn the words over in my mind, wondering if it’s true. And just as immediately, I know that it is. I’m in love with Bess, and I don’t give a damn who knows.
“Ben’s right,” I tell the Sergeant brusquely. “It’s a wild and unexpected situation, sure, but it’s love. I don’t see how this is a problem for the office,” I say, mild irritation tingeing my tone. “After all, this is our private life, so why does it matter?”
Our boss looks back and forth between the two of us, disbelief on his face.
“Love?” he repeats. “You really think you love this woman?”
My hackles rise, growing annoyed that we even have to have this conversation, considering it has nothing to do with our jobs.