Page 22 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
Brandon nods. “Yes, because you’re extraordinarily beautiful.”
“Really,” Ben insists. “You were stunning, sitting there in the moonlight. We didn’t have a chance.” He licks his lips and eyes me appreciatively from across the table.
I giggle at the frankness of his stare. “Stop it, you’re making me blush!” I chide him.
“No, it’s true,” Brandon reiterates. “You were wearing that tiny little skirt and way too tight tank top.” He grunts, a loud, needy sound from deep within. “I’d like to eat my dinner before I eat you up,” he tells me hotly.
I feel my entire body tighten with longing.
How do these men do this to me? I wonder for the hundredth time. It’s like I’m putty in their hands.
“All right, all right,” I cede. “I was just being bad. Plus, I wanted to know why two hot men like you would even talk to me.”
Both men shake their heads, scoffing at my statement.
“Because you’re the most beautiful woman we’ve ever seen, what else?” Ben ask candidly. “And since we’ve gotten to know you, we also know that you’re the sweetest and most affectionate one, too. Not to mention an excellent cook.”
I smile deeply, feeling touched to my soul by how much these two men seem to care about me.
I wonder… but I squash the thought immediately. It may be okay for me to admit to myself that I’ve fallen in love with them, but I would never want to assume that they feel the same, especially just a few months into our relationship. Better to wait before I jump into the vast unknown.
Sighing happily, I turn my attention back to the twins as they continue to dig into their dinner with zest.
“How on Earth did you learn to cook a steak to perfection like this?” Brandon asks while devouring a large cut of the tender meat.
I shrug and smile. “I’ve always loved to eat, and I guess I learned to make my favorite foods when I was living by myself.”
“It’s delicious,” Ben growls as he scoops more dinner onto his fork. “These mashed potatoes make me think of butter, cream, and everything worth having in the world.”
I feel warmth rush all the way through my body at their easy compliments. I look down at my nearly untouched dinner plate. Unfortunately, so do the men.
“But why aren’t you eating, sweetheart?” Brandon asks curiously, tilting his head to a side as he looks at me. “Not hungry?”
I shrug. “I think I’ve had enough of it is all. You know, I did spend a few hours cooking, and sometimes that takes away my appetite. You can only cook or eat, but not both.” Unfortunately, my stomach betrays me, grumbling loudly enough that the brothers hear it.
Ben raises a single eyebrow. “It sounds to me like you’re still hungry, Bess.”
I grimace slightly. “I don’t want to look like a pig in front of you guys,” I admit and immediately regret my honesty.
“A pig?” Brandon asks sharply.
“What are you talking about?” Ben demands at the same time.
I sigh, realizing that I’ve dug this hole so I’d better explain myself. “I just – I appreciate what you guys say about my body, but I’ve always been a bigger girl. I’ve been trying to be more careful about my eating, especially after I got cast in the Shakespeare play.”
Two pairs of eyes turn to icy blue fire.
“Did someone say you needed to lose weight?”
“Who the hell would speak to you that way? What a fucking moron!”
But I hold up my hand to stop them from continuing. “No one said anything, I promise,” I say, looking at that anger in their faces. “I just know that I’ve always been a bigger girl, and I need to be careful of how much I eat. I want the costumes to fit if I’m going to keep trying out for plays,” I say with a false-sounding laugh. “No one thinks of fairies or princesses as large women.”
“Well, that’s a load of bull.” It’s Brandon who says this, and I look at him with no small amount of surprise. He’s usually the less vocal brother when it comes to passionate outbursts.
“I’ve been teased about my body my entire life,” I explain slowly, “and I don’t want that to continue, especially because my acting career is starting to get some traction.”
But the twins won’t be denied.
“Bessie,” Ben places his warm hand over my cooler one. “You are a beautiful and sexy woman – we love your body.”
Brandon nods, his eyes hot. “Honestly, you should put on another twenty pounds. You’d look even more lush.” His eyes flash brightly as he speaks. “And what’s this about fairy princesses? When I dream about fairy princesses, they always look like you with big tits and a big ass.”
I giggle, although I don’t totally believe their comments. Of course my men are attracted to me seeing how often we make love, but childhood experiences have made me cautious. I sigh, wanting them to understand where my angst comes from.