Page 19 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
“That was one time and I still hold that you two are to blame,” I say sassily, which only makes the brothers roar with laughter.
“Truce, truce.” Brandon, ever the reasonable brother, holds up his hands in mock exasperation.
“We look forward to whatever you make for dinner, and we promise we won’t interrupt your cooking for sexy time,” Ben chuckles.
“Speak for yourself,” Brandon says and smacks my backside as he raises his eyebrows suggestively. “I want to take a bite of this whenever the mood strikes.”
That makes me giggle, but then I smile, my heart full of adoration.
“All right fellows, don’t you think it’s time that you were off to the station?” I mock scold. I try to let my tone drip displeasure, but the reality is I have never been happier in my life. Ben and Brandon are two of the kindest, most generous, and sexiest men I have ever known, and I adore our life together.
The two men grab their coats, press kisses to my cheeks, and then leave me with a satisfied expression on my lips. After all, it’s a satisfying existence. I never thought I’d be a barista, but I got a job at The Lovely Cafe, and I enjoy my co-workers and the customers. Plus, I haven’t given up on my theater aspirations altogether. Again, Sheridan is better for an aspiring actress than Lake Puckett because it’s a bigger town with more community theater and a university troupe too. I’ve started auditioning again, and while the first few auditions didn’t work out, my persistence paid off – I landed a bit role in A Midsummer Night’s Dream with a local theater company over the summer. The show ran for a week, and Ben and Brandon were front row center every single performance, carrying long-stemmed red roses each time. My men support me, after all, and encourage me with my dreams, which I appreciate.
Plus, Brandon and Ben are completely dedicated to our relationship. Before I moved in, I’d tentatively broached the idea of a long-distance relationship, and they laughed.
“What?” I asked, a bit hurt and disappointed. “People do it. It’s hard, but definitely doable so long as all the parties are committed.”
The twins merely shook their heads with mirth on their faces.
“No, sweetheart, I don’t think long-distance is for us,” growled Brandon, his blue eyes intense as he placed a hand on my knee. “That’s not our thing.”
I was hurt and my heart crumped a bit in my chest.
“But will I ever see you again?” I mewled piteously. “I mean, what’s going to happen to us?”
That’s when the twins invited me to move in with them permanently. I was shocked because I’d only known them for about two weeks. But the Cartwrights are determined and once they see something they like, they go for it. Within a week, I was snugly ensconced in their home, enjoying intimate time with them each night.
Yes, it was a bit scandalous. My parents weren’t happy, but what could they say? I’m a grown woman, and I can choose where I live, and with whom. Of course, my friend Juniper was over the moon with happiness. Not only had I moved into the vicinity, but I was also engaged in a steamy threesome, just like her relationship with Shane and Stanton.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” she gushed one day on the phone.
“Mm-hmm,” I acknowledged dreamily, remember how the twins touched me just that morning. “Absolutely wonderful.”
“Okay, I’m going to let you go,” Juniper giggled. “You’re still in a sex daze, that much is clear. Let them use you,” she advised with a naughty tone to her voice. “Your body will adapt and you won’t be so sore within a week.”
It took more than a week for me to get used to the twins’ loving, but practice makes perfect. Now, I’m used to the contortions I’m asked to assume, with my heels over my head, or my bottom in the air, poised to accept their masculinity. It’s heavenly, and I adore every second of our loving.
But it’s funny, isn’t it? I had big dreams of going to New York and becoming a famous Broadway actress. I even went out there one summer to give it a try. But now, I’m surprisingly happy here in this small town, and all of my wishes and dreams seem to be coming true. Ben and Brandon are nothing but supportive of my career, and they encourage me to be the best version of me I can be. I find myself falling more in love with them with each passing day, and it’s pure euphoria.
I pause, fork mid-air as I contemplate what I’ve finally admitted to myself.
It is love that I have for both the men, and I’m not entirely sure how to grapple with this admission. After all, is it too soon? Do they feel the same about me? We’ve only been together a few months, and everything’s happened so fast.