Page 10 of Filthy Twin Cops (Forbidden Fantasies 17)
“Do you think we’ll ever see her again?”
Wow, the girl must have had an effect on him too if he’s still thinking about her.
“I don’t think we should go back there looking for her,” I say in a quiet voice. “Once is enough.”
“Yes, I know,” Brandon agrees under his breath. “It’s just that something about her surprised me. She was so free and open and excited. Not like the other women we’ve busted out there.”
I nod slowly. “Surprising is the right word. And beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman as gorgeous as she is.”
Brandon taps the end of a pencil against his desk. “You don’t think we can go back out there, huh?”
I shake my head. “Sorry, brother. Definitely not a good idea.”
His steel blue eyes go dark, and almost immediately I can tell what my twin is thinking: how strange it is to be so attracted to a lady of the night. And how absolutely infuriating. Of all the women in the world, why her? Why a sweet, sexy woman who makes her money pleasuring men?
I turn my attention back to the stack of files on my desk, gritting my teeth. For the sake of sanity, it’s probably best if I stop thinking about our beautiful brunette because what good could come of it? Absolutely nothing, and that’s the truth.
I scroll idly through TV channel after channel as I talk to Juniper on the phone.
“They both have high fevers,” my friend laments over the line. “I just don’t want to risk you catching this cold too. It’s awful.”
“It’s totally okay, Juniper, I know you’re stressed taking care of two kiddies with runny noses and bad tempers,” I say as soothingly as possible. “This too will pass, rest assured.”
I try to be patient with my best friend, knowing how difficult it must be to have two sick toddlers and pregnant with another set of twins. But internally, I’m full of self-pity and beyond bored. I came here to see her, and this happens? But a cold is a cold, and there’s nothing to do about it. I try to keep my tone light, even though I’m bummed that the boys aren’t any healthier.
“Are you sure you don’t mind waiting to visit us?” Juniper asks again. “I know I’ve already put you off once.” I can hear the stress in her voice, although whether it’s about me or her sick kids, I don’t know.
I laugh easily, hoping that it sounds genuine. “The mini-bar is well stocked and the town is cute, so I can entertain myself, never fear.”
“Well, maybe you can head out our way tomorrow? Pending how these fevers are going?”
“For sure. Just keep me posted. I don’t have any real plans for the next several days, so just call when you guys are ready.”
On the other end of the line, Juniper sniffles slightly. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without a best friend as kind as you,” she says emotionally.
I laugh lightly, not wanting the poor woman to feel bad. “Just focus on getting the boys better, girlfriend. That way I can smooch their cheeks as much as I want!”
We both laugh and after hanging up, I glance at the muted TV. My channel surfing randomly landed on some ridiculous soap opera, where the characters are all clearly in distress over some made-up problem. Deciding it’s as good a show as any, I crank up the volume and head to the mini-fridge to take stock of the wares.
“Vodka, sprite, wine coolers, cheap beer, ooh whiskey!” But then I think twice. I don’t need to get buzzed again, so I grab an orange juice and seltzer, and settle down on my bed. A few minutes later, I’m sipping on a drink and mindlessly watching the drama unfold on the television before me. I munch on a bag of chips, wondering what on earth to do with myself for the rest of the evening.
Meanwhile, on the show, one of the women begins making out with a man, their passion over the top but erotic. Unbidden, my mind wanders back to last night.
Oh my god.
I flush bright red, even though I’m alone in my small hotel room. Of course I’ve thought about my unexpected nighttime jaunt multiple times since it happened, but for the first time in several hours, I let my mind sift fully through the details. I speak aloud to myself, as if it may help me work through the memories.
“They were fucking hot,” I conclude, recalling the men’s brilliant azure eyes, angular jaws and chiseled bodies.
“They were sexy, too.” I feel my insides go tingly as I remember their strong hands, and how I wished I could have felt them roam across my body instead of just my nipples.
While I’m not a promiscuous person exactly, I’ve definitely had my fun in the past. But what happened last night in the park with those two unexpected studs is beyond even my wildest moments. It sounds straight out of some 70’s porno, in fact.