Page 90 of Adrian's Vengeance (Mafia Heirs 1)
Suddenly, we're in a standoff, eyes wide and guns pointing every which way as we wait for the first shot to be fired.
I knew Gustavo wouldn't like this, and I should've anticipated his anger would wreck us all. He's looking at Father with pure bloodlust in his eyes, and the men surrounding us are tense with the need to fire those guns.
I realize I don't give a shit what happens. My life is meaningless without Marzia any-fucking-way.
I never should've let her get away, and I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life. But she's gone without a trace and there's nothing I can do.
Nothing could change this. It's fucking over.
My captive has broken down her gilded cage and grown wings. Now she's free, and the only thing I'm left to wonder about is whether she'll feel better or worse now that she doesn't answer to me...
My heart pounds as we get closer and closer to the last meeting point. This is it. This is where my brother and Vitto will be waiting to take me back where I belong.
My stomach is tied up into a giant knot and I feel sick as the car pulls up in front of a large driveway. I've never been to this house before. I heard it is one of Vitto's family's safe houses, the closest to their original home and the only one the Bernardis don't know about.
I get out of the car with Eleanora opening the door for me. She takes the guard's hand and they walk toward the building. Before they can take more than a few stops, gunshots ring out in the air.
My ears are deafened by the shots. My heart is pounding and I can faintly hear someone screaming. The sound is overwhelming and as it gets louder and louder, I realize it's coming from my mouth.
Eleanora and the guard fall for the ground. She lets out a gargled sound as blood spurts out of her mouth. The guard leans forward, his own torso with two bullet holes as he kisses Eleanora's bloody mouth. In seconds, their bodies collapse to the ground, joined in one final kiss.
I'm still screaming as the driver of the car speeds away. More gunshots ring out. One into the wheels, one through the driver's head. He slumps down on the wheel, pressing the horn. The sound rings out where no one can hear it.
I fall to my knees before them. There's no one else here but me now. I've already realized I've made a horrible, grave mistake. Luigi and Vitto are ruthless. They just shot three people who were their fucking associates. What the hell is going to happen when they find out about everything Adrian has done to me?
The doors of the mansion fly open. There are no guards, only me and the two men who shaped my life until my parent’s death.
Luigi, my handsome brother, holding two guns and with a new look in his eyes, one that speaks of loss, determination and anger.
And Vitto, ridiculously handsome Vitto with his cruel eyes and irresistible smirk.
"Marzia." Luigi nods.
"Finally!" Vitto takes several steps forward, staring into my eyes as if he's trying to pull out all my secrets without asking a single question.
I avert my gaze, unable to handle the weight of his. My mind goes back to seeing Adrian at the docks. How he jumped into the water without another thought and tried to catch me. And the fact that I didn't go back... I chose to leave. And for what?
"How could you?" I whisper.
"What?" Vitto laughs.
"You killed her!" I scream. "You killed Eleanora, my maid! She was my only friend!"
"Unfortunately, we can't trust anyone." Vitto shrugs. "Don't worry, we'll get you a new maid when we get out of this hole."
"I don't want a new maid!" I screamed. "I want you to stop fucking killing innocent—"
I don't get to finish the sentence. The sound of Vitto's hard slap on my cheek rings out in the driveway. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me," he growls. "I don't know what those bastard Bernardis have been teaching you, but you will never ? fucking ever ? raise your voice at me again."
"Calm down," Luigi hisses at Vitto. "She gets it."
"Do you?" Vitto asks me.
I find myself wordlessly nodding even though my eyes are shooting daggers at him.
"Good. Let's head inside."
I follow them into the house. It's beautiful here, everything is expensive, but also covered in a layer of dust. It looks neglected. It looks as if someone killed everyone who was supposed to live here... And I know it was Adrian. He didn't just have my parents killed, he's the reason Vitto's family is gone, too.
Still, I can't help seething with anger as I follow the pair to the garden in the back. There's a table laid out with some whiskey on it and we all sit down around it.