Page 55 of Adrian's Vengeance (Mafia Heirs 1)
"I'm sorry. Maybe you can get a pet when you're married?"
"You said you're married, not we're married," she says. Her sadness is instantly forgotten as her eyes meet mine, sparkling with mischief. "I thought you and I were getting married, Adrian."
I smile tersely, not really knowing what to tell her. As I stare at the sun heavy in the sky, I find myself telling Nicoletta a story I've tried to forget for the better part of my existence, "When I left my former home, I was given a puppy…Bruno, my father, gave me one. Each of the sons had their own dog. They grew up into healthy, beautiful hounds. Cillian and Santino still have theirs."
"What happened to yours?"
I kick at the gravel, letting go of her arm. "Someone poisoned him. He died in my arms."
"That's horrible, Adrian!" Nicoletta looks appalled.
I can tell she's a caring creature. I shouldn't like anything about her, but this fact endears her to me a bit more.
"Did you ever find out who did it?"
"I was never able to prove it," I mutter. "But it was shortly after something happened with another boy my age. I know it was him."
The memories flash in my mind. Vitto pushing me around, mocking me. Vitto getting his revenge by hurting something innocent that had nothing to do with our feud.
Sometimes I wonder why I really want Marzia. Whether it's just the need to protect her, or whether I'm subconsciously trying to steal from Vitto like he stole from me. I'll make sure to have my vengeance. I'll do everything in my fucking power to show Vitto I'm worthier than him.
"Come with me," I say, tugging on Nicoletta's arm. I'm surprised she doesn't complain as I lead her off the path and toward the rose garden.
She stumbles through a thorny bush but doesn't say a word.
Wordlessly, we come to a stop in front of a small burial site.
"I buried Rex here myself."
"That's so sad. Didn't your father help you?"
"No." My face tightens. "Father wanted us to learn about loss, too. That's part of why we each got a dog."
"Seems like a cruel way to raise someone."
"Perhaps," I mutter. "But it sure as fuck worked."
She laughs. "You really say what you mean, don't you, Adrian?"
"Why wouldn't I? There's no use in hiding things that are going to come out anyway." The moment those words leave my lips I realize just what a fucking hypocrite I am. Here I am, blowing smoke up Nicoletta's ass about lies and hiding shit, when that's exactly what I've been doing to her. She doesn't know I fucked Marzia last night. And I've ensured she'll never find out.
"I admire that about you." Nicoletta smiles. "I'm glad I'm getting to spend time here at the Mansion. I feel welcome here, I just..."
Her smile makes me feel even guiltier. "Just what?" I ask.
"I don't feel quite at home."
"Why is that?"
"There's nothing of mine here," she admits. "Nothing to remind me of my home. But you know... Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I was meant to get away from home all along."
"Sometimes, you have to flee the nest." I bring her back to the path and let go of her hand as we stand in front of the house again. "Forgive me, Nicoletta, but there's something I have to do."
"Oh." She looks disappointed before cocking her head to the side with a grin. "Is this about that ward of yours?"
"Marzia." I nod. "How did you know?"
"I'm not a complete idiot, Adrian, I notice things. Like the fact that she doesn't look at you like a ward should, and she's certainly not underage, either."
I laugh. "Does it bother you?"
Before she can answer, I hold up a hand, saying, "It doesn't really matter. Either way, you'll just have to deal with it."
Nicoletta's lips form a thin line and she glares at me. "Fine, Adrian. Whatever you want."
“I’m glad you understand.”
"I'll see you soon, Adrian." She gives a small bow.
I dismiss her, watching her walk away. The moment she's around the corner, I turn around and make a call. I bark orders into my cell phone then arrange for Marzia to meet me in the gardens next. Father won't be able to object…she deserves some fresh air. We can't keep her in her room like a prisoner for months.
I wait for Marzia. Every second without her stretches off into eternity. I want her here, beside me where she belongs. I don't want to hate Nicoletta but I find myself wishing she wasn't around. That she'd somehow magically disappear. I have ways to do that of course, but even I'm not cruel enough to murder an innocent woman.
Finally, she appears. She's wearing a lemon-colored dress and her hair falls down her back in full curls. She's stunning. So much more beautiful than Nicoletta.