Page 42 of Pushing You Away - Noah & Katie (Ex-Con Duet 3)
“I appreciate that, really I do, but I want to try to do as much as I can myself.”
“Great, I’ll be married before it’s done.” Owen sighs, and I burst out laughing.
“It’s safe to say he got your personality.”
“And attitude,” she adds.
“So what did you bring for dessert?” I ask, remembering Owen mentioning it.
“I picked up a pie from Belinda’s. She texted me and said she made your favorite.”
“Sweet potato?” I ask excitedly.
Katie laughs. “Yep. Brought whipped cream too.”
I press a palm over my chest. “You two spoil me.”
“I saw your truck in the back parking lot,” she says softly. “I’m so sorry about what they did to it.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll clean it off, and Violet will look as good as new.” I smirk. “Hopefully, anyway.”
“Who’s Violet?” Owen interrupts.
“My truck,” I confirm.
He giggles. “You named your truck?”
“Of course.”
“How’d you think of that name?” he asks. “I thought your truck was blue.”
“It is, but Violet is a character from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You ever seen that movie?”
Owen’s eyes light up as a soft gasp escapes Katie’s mouth.
“Mom loves that movie! We’ve watched it eighty bazillion times.”
I chuckle at his exaggeration, though, knowing Katie, it might not be.
“Wait, hold up,” Katie interrupts. “You named it after her?”
I flash her an amused smirk because I know where her head is going. “Yeah, she was my favorite character because she reminded me of you.”
“What? How?”
My eyes nearly bug out of my head. “Are you kidding? You were always chewing gum! Plus, you were sassy and talked a lot like she did.”
Katie covers her mouth when she laughs as Owen gets up to use the bathroom.
“Oh my God, that’s right. To be fair, I always secretly hoped you’d kiss me one day, so I wanted to be prepared with fresh breath.”
“I thought you did that because you didn’t want me to kiss you…like a barrier of some sort,” I admit.
“Wow…our communication skills kinda sucked, huh?” She shakes her head in disbelief. “Though, I would’ve been too nervous and choked on my gum or something.”
I smile because it’s definitely something teenage Katie would’ve overthought. Owen returns, and I finish our conversation.
“Well anyway…that’s how Violet got her name,” I tell him.
“I wonder how many times we saw that movie together,” she says.
“Between the original and the remake, hundreds at least.”
“Did you even like it that much?”
“I liked it enough to watch it with you,” I say swiftly. “Some of my favorite memories were when we were together watching movies. Didn’t matter what it was. I just wanted a reason to be around you.”
We both stay silent as we stare at each other, neither saying what we truly want to say.
“Willy Wonka freaks me out!” Owen exclaims. “He’s weird looking.”
Katie and I laugh because we’ve had similar conversations about that character too.
The three of us finish eating, then dive into dessert. It’s delicious and reminds me of several heartwarming memories from our youth.
Once the table is cleared, I help Katie organize the notebook paper that’s sprawled all over the counter. Owen plays on his tablet, and I watch Katie walk around the house with her phone like she’s making a list of things to do. Maybe my words got through to her, and she’s actually writing things down for me to help with.
Although we’ve briefly talked about our past, I know our friendship isn’t back to normal yet, but considering she hasn’t recently slammed a door in my face or told me to fuck off is progress. It almost feels like we’re friends again, but it won’t be until I tell her the whole truth.
“Alright, buddy. It’s time to go home and get you ready for bed.”
Owen immediately groans, and Katie raises her brows.
“Plus, I gotta sign your agenda and pack your lunch for tomorrow.”
“Maybe I’ll see you again this week?” I say to Owen, hoping to distract him. “Only if you’re good for your mom, though.”
Katie smirks, and Owen groans again. “Alright, fine. Maybe I’ll talk Mom into doing pizza tomorrow night,” Owen whispers to me.
“Maybe we can both talk her into it.” I flash him a wink.
“Go buckle up in the car. I’ll be there in a second,” Katie tells him. We watch as he heads out, then moments later, Katie’s standing in front of me.
“I know what I said at lunch today, and I don’t want to send you any mixed signals, so I hope it’s okay that we eat with you. It’s been the two of us for so long that—”
“I love having dinner with you both,” I interrupt, bringing a finger to her lips so she’ll stop talking. “Plus, I’m very grateful for you, and I love your company.”
“I just don’t want to cause any confusion,” she states. “Regardless of the hurt and our past, I enjoy spending time with you, and Owen does too. Though he’s just met you, you’ve made quite an impression on him already.”