Page 23 of Pushing You Away - Noah & Katie (Ex-Con Duet 3)
“Fucking positive. We’ll get security cameras installed. We won’t let them win.”
“Thanks, Tyler. I appreciate you so much.”
“It’ll get easier, I promise.”
I nod, though I’m not sure I believe it.
“Once you’re done, we’ll get some plywood and cover the hole until I can get it fixed.”
“You got it, boss.”
After Tyler walks inside, I sweep up the glass from the sidewalk and parts of the street. Whoever threw it had good aim and strength. Perhaps Gabe’s dad hired someone, or he did the dirty work himself. I wouldn’t doubt it, honestly.
Tyler, Smith, and I board the window. I try to shake off what happened, but it’s heavy on my mind as I work.
“Hey,” Gemma sing-songs as she strolls in around noon. Though she doesn’t look pleased about what happened this morning, she’s still glowing. I know she’s over the moon excited about the baby, and seeing how happy she is makes me happy.
“Hey, sis. What’s goin’ on?” I ask, wiping off my hands.
“I came here to kidnap you for your lunch break.”
I arch a brow and grin. “Really? What’s the occasion?”
“Nothing. Can’t a sister want to spend time with her brother?”
“Sure, alright. Lemme just wash up, and I’ll be ready.”
Ten minutes later, we’re sitting at the deli and chatting with Belinda. She works the lunch rush, then lets her employees stay till closing. Gemma said once she and Dad started dating, she’s worked fewer hours to spend more time with him. I think the love they have for one another is incredibly sweet and cute.
“I can’t tell you how good it is to see you two in here again. Brings me back to when y’all were in high school and would come in with Everleigh and Katie.”
My smile drops at the mention of her name, and Belinda immediately notices. “I’ll get your orders in and will be right back.”
“Thank you,” Gemma says.
I meet my sister’s eyes. “How’ve you been feeling lately? Everything going okay so far with the pregnancy?”
She places her hand on her belly. “I’m doing really well. I’m blessed to have no problems.”
“Absolutely. So when are we gonna find out if I’m getting a nephew or a niece?”
Gemma laughs as I add sugar and cream to my coffee. “Well, I think Tyler and I have decided to wait to find out, so it will be a surprise for everyone.”
“That doesn’t shock me at all. You’ve always loved surprises.” I take a sip of my coffee. “Alright, so what’s the real reason you dragged me out of work today?” I pop a brow.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing. After Katie left the party Saturday, you were pretty quiet.”
“Well, that’s mostly because only five people will talk to me, so…” I shrug, then spot Brittany behind the counter waving at me.
I wave back, and Gemma looks over her shoulder.
“Make that six…” Gemma grins, then leans forward and lowers her voice. “I saw the way Brittany was giving you bedroom eyes.”
Nearly choking on my coffee, I cover my mouth. “Bedroom eyes? What the hell are you talkin’ about?”
“You’re so out of the game, you don’t even know when someone’s flirting with you.”
“That’s not true…I mean, yeah, it’s been a long time, but she wasn’t.”
“You mean like she’s not right now?” Gemma snorts. “She just flipped her hair while giving you a sultry look.”
“Christ, you watch too many romance movies.”
“Prove me wrong then. Invite her over here.” Gemma arches a brow, challenging me, but it doesn’t matter because Brittany’s already on her way.
“Hey,” Brittany says with a big smile. “How’re y’all doin’?”
“Doing just fine, thank you. How ’bout yourself?” I ask.
“I’m good, thanks. Just wanted to say how nice it was to see you last weekend.” She stares at me intensely, and I wonder if Gemma’s right. “Anthony’s been talkin’ about you nonstop. He’s hoping to take you up on the offer to play baseball with him sometime.”
“Of course. I’m a little rusty, but I’m sure it won’t be a big deal.”
“Okay, great.” She pauses, and the silence between us grows awkward. “Well, I’m sure I’ll run into you again soon, and we can figure out the details.”
Before I can respond, Belinda walks up with our plates. “Alright, kids. I’ll get y’all a Coke refill and be right back.”
“Oh, I can do that.” Brittany grabs our glasses, then returns a minute later.
“Hope you two enjoy your lunch.” She gives me a wink, then walks back to the counter.
I take a large bite of my sandwich and see Gemma smirking at me. “What?”
“I think I just witnessed the start of something…”
“Huh? What’re ya talkin’ about now?”
“Jesus, Noah. What’d she have to do for you to ask for her number…skywrite a message?”
“Why would I ask for her number?”
“Uh…to ask her out. Didn’t you see all the signs? The flirting, the eye batting, the giggling. Then the way she brought up her son playing baseball with you. Could it be any more obvious she’s interested? I’m only shocked she didn’t lean over and touch your bicep.”