Page 21 of Pushing You Away - Noah & Katie (Ex-Con Duet 3)
Gemma snorts. “I don't think that's a single mom thing. I think that's a super organized OCD thing.”
I laugh with a shrug. “Perhaps.”
“Don’t be modest. You’re a great mom, and I can only hope I’m half as good a mom as you.”
“You will be. Honestly, you just figure it out as you go. Most of us don’t know what the fuck we’re doing,” I admit truthfully. “I’m a professional at winging it.”
“Well, you make it look effortless,” Everleigh adds. “Knowing me, I’d forget to feed my kid.”
I snort as I watch Owen chatting with Anthony. “Trust me, you won’t. Between them crying or yelling ‘Mom’ a hundred times a day, you’ll happily stuff food in their mouths to shut them up.”
“Probably why Tyler and Noah keep bringin’ pastries to the gym every morning,” Gemma says, chuckling.
“They’re trying to keep you from talkin’ their ears off.” Everleigh laughs.
After I'm done eating, Owen returns, and I notice Jerry is finally alone. I take the opportunity to give him a hug and tell him congratulations.
“Thanks, Katie. I'm sure Gemma thought I'd be working forever.”
“Well, you probably would’ve if it wasn't for Belinda talkin’ some sense into you.” I nudge him.
Jerry gives his famous hearty dad laugh that I always loved growing up. “You're right. She's made me realize there are more important things in life than working every day, and this old man needed a break.”
“You deserve it. I'm so happy for you.”
“Thank you. Now, I’ll get to be a full-time grandpa.” He beams wide as more people walk up, so I tell him goodbye and go back to the table.
Gemma stands before I can take a seat. “I think we need some more juice for the punch bowl. Can you help me grab them from the fridge?”
“Sure.” I tell Owen I’ll be right back before following Gemma toward the kitchen.
“You doin’ okay?” she asks. “You look a little stressed.”
“I'm fine. It's just weird seeing Noah here. Especially when I didn’t even want to see him the first time.” I glare at her because she knows what she did.
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I wanted to check on you. It's gonna take a little getting used to for everyone. But with that being said, maybe you should give him one more chance, Katie. He still cares about you.”
I let out a frustrated sigh. “I'm sure he does since he refused to see or talk to me. That sounds like something you do when you care about someone,” I say sarcastically.
She gives me a small smile and heads out of the kitchen instead of going to the fridge.
“Wait, don’t we need more punch?” I ask, confused.
“Nah. Just wanted to get you alone for a moment to check on you without other ears around.” Gemma gives me a wink.
“Should’ve figured,” I say. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“Anytime. And if you ever want to bust his balls, feel free to do it, okay? He kinda deserves it.”
I laugh. “I’m just glad you’re on my team.”
“I’m team Katie and Noah,” she corrects.
“Oh God. Don't even start with that again! We’re not fifteen anymore,” I scold but laugh at the memories.
Gemma glances over her shoulder, then leaves. I take a moment to myself before following. When I finally walk through the door, I nearly run into Noah. His hands grip my arms, holding me steady on my feet. We look at each other in shock, and it takes everything I have to push past him.
Before I get too far, he gently grabs my elbow and pulls me back.
“Katie, please talk to me,” he begs in a deep, rough voice.
Shaking my head, I pull away from him. “No thanks. I have nothing to say to you.”
“Please,” he pleads again, this time in a husky whisper.
“I’ve been begging to talk to you for ten fucking years. So no, Noah, you don't get my time when it’s convenient for you. Should’ve thought about that when you refused to let me visit or write me back. I waited around for you long enough, and I’m not wasting any more time on you.”
He looks as if I slapped him, the same reaction I imagine he had on my porch when I slammed the door in his face. It hurts to see him this way, but he left me no choice.
Without another word, I walk across the reception hall and tell Owen it's time to go.
After we say our goodbyes, I notice Noah’s staring at me, but I keep my eyes forward and walk out with as much dignity as I can.
Chapter Eight
Though it’s been four days since Katie and I had a run-in, I can still feel her verbal slap. I know I don’t deserve her attention, but I’m not giving up. If she wants to cuss me out after I’ve explained my side of the story and apologized, then I’ll walk away peacefully. But until then, I’ll fight for just five minutes of her time. Our friendship was strong before, and it can be that way again if she’d give us a chance.