Page 15 of Pushing You Away - Noah & Katie (Ex-Con Duet 3)
As I’m in the laundry room, Owen enters with a full basket, grinning sheepishly. “I found them.”
“Mm-hmm, interesting. Where were they?”
He laughs before he walks away. Raising a boy has experience.
As soon as I start the washer, my cell phone rings, and I see it’s Loretta.
“Hey, sweetie! Happy Valentine's Day!” she says.
“Same to you.”
Even though it’s Sunday and I typically work at the house, I spend every Valentine’s Day with Owen no matter what. It’s been our tradition since he was born.
“I was wondering if we could stop by this afternoon. We got Owen some Valentine’s gifts.”
I blow out a laugh. “How much candy?”
“Honey, you know how it is. Just have to spoil my grandson.”
“Loretta,” I say, smiling. “We’ll be here. Feel free to stop by anytime you’d like. Not too late, though, because he’ll be bouncing off the walls after eating the sugar.”
“Great! We’ll be there within the hour. See you soon.”
I end the call, and Owen walks into the living room. “Was that Mimi and Pawpaw?”
I nod. “Yes, it was. They’re gonna stop by and see you today.”
“Yay!” he squeals. He loves Gabe’s parents so much, and I’m lucky they’ve stayed a part of Owen’s life. They faithfully support me, and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without them, my parents, or my friends.
Within thirty minutes, a knock rings out on the door. Owen hurries and answers it. As soon as he sees his grandparents, he squeezes Loretta tight. Elliot enters behind her, carrying a red bag with a heart on it.
Owen’s hopping from foot to foot as Loretta hugs me.
“Looks so nice in here,” she says, glancing around the spotless room. I try my best since it’s the one thing I have control over in my life.
“Owen helped.” I flash a wink. He’s old enough to have responsibilities, and he gets excited when others notice.
“Good to see you.” Elliot smiles, then wraps his arms around Owen.
I offer them some sweet tea while they give Owen his gift bag. As I’m in the kitchen putting ice in glasses, I hear Owen’s excitement. When I return, he’s still pulling out velvet hearts full of candy in all different sizes, and I know I’ll be dealing with a hyper kid tonight.
Owen’s pile on the floor consists of a remote-control car, endless candy, and some small holiday-themed games.
“Oh, you two…” I sigh. “You didn’t have to do all of this.”
He gives them kisses and thank you’s and positions himself between them on the couch. You’d think he hasn’t seen them in months by the way he’s acting, but he sees them several times a week. They love having him around, but so do my parents, so they take turns picking him up after school and watching him until I get off work around five. My mom and Loretta alternate on the weekends when I’m working at the new house.
“Can I have a sleepover at Mimi and Pawpaw’s tonight?” Owen asks with a grin.
I shake my head. “Not on a school night, bud.”
He flashes me his big puppy dog eyes, the same eyes his dad used to give me when he wanted to get his way. “Owen,” I warn.
Loretta laughs and pats his back. “You know the rules, honey. Maybe if you’re good this week, you can next Saturday.”
Owen rips open one of the velvet boxes and pops a piece of chocolate in his mouth. He talks and chews. “I’ll be good!” he declares.
“Manners, Owen. Don’t speak with food in your mouth,” I remind him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he says, covering his mouth. “Want one?” He holds the box out toward Loretta and Elliot, but they shake their heads.
“I’ve had so much sugar this weekend I’m surprised I’m not a candy heart right now,” Loretta laughs as she tells Owen.
“Candy hearts are nasty, Mimi.”
“They’re my favorite,” she gushes.
“They are gross,” Elliot agrees with Owen, then looks at Loretta with a devilish grin.
“More for me then!” she exclaims, taking a sip of her tea.
After Owen puts batteries in his remote-control car and drives it all over the house, Elliot and Loretta say their goodbyes.
“He really can come stay next weekend if you’d like to get some uninterrupted work done on the house,” Elliot tells me as we walk them to the door.
“I know. I really appreciate it. I’m sure he’d love that too!”
Owen runs up and gives them another hug. “Love you!”
“Love you too,” they say. “Be good for your mom. Don’t eat too much chocolate, even if it is Valentine’s Day.” Loretta flashes him a wink, then turns toward me.
“You know…” She lowers her voice. “It’s been years since you’ve had a serious relationship, Katie. You should get back out there and date again.”
All I can do is laugh. “With all my spare time?” I tease. “They say you find love when you’re not looking for it. And well, I ain’t lookin’.” I shrug