Page 36 of When Worlds Collide
“I will destroy you. I know all about your husband and his drinking. How long do you think he will hold onto those medals once his superiors learn of his proclivities?” Pure venom and spite dripped from her voice with every word.
“My husband had a problem with drinking when he came back from Iraq. It was his way of dealing with the pain. He’s never harmed another soul so I don’t see how that can be of any use to you.” Linda on the other hand remained calm. I wonder if she can give some of that calm to her daughter?
“I can make it matter. Just the right words in the right ears and he’d lose everything. His benefits…” My mother really knows nothing about the armed forces and how they work. But I’m sure she’d give it a good try. I started to intervene but Linda answered her for me.
“Do your worst. If you think that I, or my husband would stand in the way of our child’s happiness to spare us some embarrassment you’re sorely mistaken. There is nothing that will make us betray her like that so I suggest you save your threats for someone else.”
“How dare you speak to me like that? Who do you think you are? You’re a servant. If you think I’m going to stand idly by and watch your trollop of a spawn destroy my son I assure you you’re the one that’s mistaken.”
“My daughter is no trollop. She’s just as worthy of him as anyone else you can think of. If those two love each other, and if you cared enough to look you’d see that they do, then why should you interfere?”
“Because the Sullivan name means something in this country. Because we’ve been the premier family in this town and the surrounding area for centuries. My son will not be the one to destroy that. I don’t know what my son has promised you and your family, but I suggest you enjoy it while it lasts.”
“You really are a sad cold old witch, aren’t you?” I chose that moment to make my presence known before things escalated. Mom looked very pleased with herself, as I’m sure she knew I’d heard that last comment.
“Are you going to stand for this? Did you hear what this maid said to me in my own home?” If she had a walking cane she would’ve thumped it on the floor. I opened the door wider for Linda to leave. “If you’ll excuse us Linda. I need to have a word with my mother.”
I waited for her to leave before closing the door behind her and turning back to mom. “So, you’re not going to leave this alone. You’re still intent on going after Lucia.” It wasn’t a question and I didn’t need her to answer. I’d heard all I needed to.
This was it then, she obviously had no intentions on letting up and it was too late for her to change. There was no use going over the same shit again, so I did what I’d been trying hard not to. She’d forced my hand, not taken my words with the seriousness intended.
All those years of staunch prejudice couldn’t be wiped away so easily, I saw that now. The thing is, I no longer cared enough about pleasing her, and there’s where she was mistaken. She’d let my past indifference convince her that I would cave this time as I’d done so often in the past.
She’d underestimated my love for Lucia and my need to protect her from everything, including her. It would be hard for her to accept that I could place anyone’s needs above hers. I would’ve gladly kept things as they were had she been different. But for Lucia’s sake, I have to do this.
“You’re my mother, I owe you honor, love and all that the title of mother entails. But please believe me when I say, that if you do anything to harm them I will destroy you.” She recoiled as if I’d struck her.
“How dare you? As you say, I am your mother and I demand respect.”
“I dare because unlike you, I know what it means to love. I won’t warn you again mother and do not cross that line from which you can never return. If you cross me in this, you’re the only one who’s going to lose.”
“I do not appreciate being threatened by my own son.”
“Then don’t do stupid shit to piss me off. You think because you’re my mother, because you bear the Sullivan name that you can get away with whatever you like? I’d remind you that you’re a Sullivan by marriage, it’s in my blood and you know as well as I what we’re capable of. Let it rest I beg of you and do not cause me to turn my back on you completely in your old age.”