Page 39 of Not Fit for a King?
Camille leaned closer to the photo. “She’s probably partying too much. Everyone does everything in South Beach.”
“Not Makin,” Hannah said under her breath, thinking Teresa was right. Makin looked absolutely livid in the photo. What was going on between them? What were they doing together? And when had Princess Emmeline met up with Hannah’s boss?
“What’s everyone looking at?” Zale asked from the doorway.
Hannah jumped and shoved the magazine back into Teresa’s hands. “Nothing.”
“Nothing?” he drawled, entering the dressing room. “Then why do all three of you look guilty?”
“Because we were all drooling over clothes. Expensive clothes. Something you’d never do,” Hannah answered with a laugh. “What brings you here, Your Majesty?”
His rich voice and Raguvian accent made everything he said sound sinful. Sexy.
Heat swept through her. Her cheeks burned as she turned in her chair to face him. He was wearing a dress shirt and dark slacks and yet he looked incredibly fit, as though he’d just returned from a long run. “I’m honored.”
“How are the preparations coming for your sitting?”
“Good. Just need my makeup and I’m off.”
Camille and Teresa discreetly disappeared and Zale approached her carrying a large black velvet box.
“I have a gift,” he said. “Something I should have given you when you first arrived.”
She tipped her head back, looked him straight in the eyes, loving the heat in his amber gaze. “But you haven’t been sure about me.”
“That’s true.” He handed the velvet box to her. “But I’m sure now.”
Hannah opened the lid of the black box, revealing a tall, glittering tiara.
“It was my mother’s,” he said, “and my grandmother’s before that.”
It was stunning, beyond stunning, the delicate diamond arch sparkling, catching the light, reflecting it in every direction. It was classic and simple and breathtaking. “I can’t possibly accept this,” she whispered, “it’s far too valuable. It’s a family heirloom—”
“Of course you can. It’s mine to give,” he interrupted. “And I give it to you, just the first of many, Emmeline. Once you become my queen, you will be showered in jewels.”
The possessive light in his eyes made her breath catch. “You really intend to marry me?”
“No doubts?”
“No. Once I made love to you, I committed myself. We’re as good as married. There’s no turning back.”
HANNAH tried not to panic.
Zale said there was no turning back. They were as good as married. Which would be a huge problem if Emmeline failed to show up.
Emmeline had to show up.
What would Hannah do?
The wedding was a week away. The world expected a magnificent royal wedding, a wedding that was to be televised to the world. Emmeline couldn’t just bail on Zale at the last minute. It wouldn’t be right. Wasn’t fair. To string him along throughout their engagement and then to fail to show for the wedding.
Hannah needed to tell him the truth. But how would she tell him? How to break the news?
Hey, King Patek, I’m not actually your betrothed, but Hannah Smith from Bandera, Texas, and I am here to keep you occupied while your real fiancée sorts some things out in Palm Beach.
Sick at heart, stomach churning like mad, Hannah pressed her hands together, and tried to push the anxious thoughts out of her mind. Emmeline would come. Emmeline had said she’d come. Emmeline wouldn’t break her word.
A half hour later Celine helped Hannah change from the elegant evening gown into a pretty navy silk skirt and white blouse for Hannah’s palace tour with Krek. She wore fat pearls at her throat, a pearl and diamond bracelet on her wrist and medium-heel shoes that would be comfortable to walk in.
“As you know, I am one of the most senior staff members,” Krek said, meeting her in the sitting room of the Queen’s Chambers. “I have served the Patek family for nearly thirty-five years now, starting as a footman to the late queen, before becoming butler for His Majesty. As head butler at the Patek Palace, I am responsible for all private and official entertaining both here and abroad. I organize and attend state banquets and receptions, ensuring that every detail is properly, professionally and elegantly handled.”
“That’s a great deal of responsibility,” Hannah answered.
“It is, Your Highness, but this is what I’ve done my whole life. I can’t imagine doing anything else.”
They’d walked down the large corridor, descended the stairs and he opened the doors to a gorgeous light-filled room painted a vivid yellow contrasted by ornate white moldings.