Page 21 of Nocturnal Love
I worked his cock like I owned it, like I never wanted to give it up. My head felt like it would fly off my shoulders as a mix of raw emotion ran through me. I felt tears gather in my eyes as the love I felt for him rose up inside me. I cried out the words, the tenor sounding foreign to my ears. And when he gave them back to me something inside me seemed to settle
When he threw me to my back and buried his head between my thighs I called out his name. There was no shyness now, it was just like in the dreams only this was me no dream me, this was real, very real.
I pulled her off my cock and pushed her onto her back none too gently because just like before, I wasn’t deep enough inside her. I slammed my cock back inside her writhing body, nothing else on my mind but nutting inside her.
I’d think by now my balls would be too dry for this but nope, I felt them filling up even now as she screamed and thrashed beneath me from the pounding I gave her against the hard cold floor. Even as I started cumming I was thinking of our next fuck, it’s like I was obsessed.
My seed burst forth inside her as her pussy opened up like a blossoming flower and sucked it all up, clenching around my cock as her hips rocked into mine. Her breasts called to me in the pale moonlight that was shining through the window through the falling snow.
I left marks all over them to join the others I was sure I’d somehow put there in my dreams. Our bodies didn’t seem to want to stop moving against each other after we both came and our mouths found each other until we both needed to breathe.
I dropped onto her finally depleted, but being careful not to crush her before turning swiftly onto my back and taking her weight on my chest. I ran my hand down the back of her head like I’d done it a million times before.
I don’t know how long we slept for there on the kitchen floor before stirring. Without uttering a word I helped her up then lifted her in my arms and headed for the bathroom and a much-needed shower. I wasn’t surprised that I knew where it was, and that it looked so familiar.
I had her again in the shower and then had to help her out and dry her off before taking her to bed and starting in on her all over again. It was the sight of the bed that did it this time. As soon as I saw it I had the wild urge to fuck her to within an inch of her life.
A second shower later we were sitting at her little kitchen table and it was time for some truths. I waited until she put the food down in front of me and sat across from me with a plate of her own. “I’ve been fucking you in my sleep!”
She stopped with the fork halfway to her lips but didn’t look as surprised as I’d expect her to be, not unless she’d started to figure this shit out already. “You have any idea what’s going on?” She shook her head until she caught the look I gave her and then she put the fork down and looked at me.
“I don’t know, do you?” I shook my head at her and cut into my roast. The first taste hit my senses and I felt a warmth suffuse me that had nothing to do with sex this time. It was another one of our shared pleasures… where the hell did that thought come from?
Just then there was a strong gust of wind that knocked against the door and flung it wide open. I looked on in surprise, both of us did, as something came through the door and landed on the floor at our feet before the door slammed shut again.
I got up to see what it was that had fallen to the floor just as the lights that had been off for the last few hours came back on again. Wait a minute! “How did you get that crockpot to work when the electricity was off?”
“The roast must’ve been done before it went off I guess, I’d put it on long before I left and it doesn’t take that long to cook in that. Then it would’ve stayed warm for a while and then heated up again when the lights came back on for a bit.”
Made sense, but it still seemed odd to me. I turned my attention back to the envelope that had come through the door. The writing looked vaguely familiar but it was the fact that it was addressed to the two of us that threw me for a loop.