Page 13 of Nocturnal Love
I woke up the next day feeling like I’d been asleep for days… under a ten-ton truck. I was becoming so use to the unexplained aches and pains that I didn’t even pay them much mind this time around as I left the bed and went to the window to assess the situation after yesterday’s storm.
Outside the sky was clear and the snow had stopped coming down though a mountain of it had piled up on the sidewalk and the lawn out front. They’d called for more days of snow but I guess the forecast was off because things looked much calmer than they had the day before.
That meant I had to go in today. The regulars will no doubt show up at their usual time since there’s not much else for them to do and I can’t disappoint them, though all I wanted was to crawl back into bed with the covers over my head, or curled up with a good book to read.
I could’ve sworn I saw the back of a black old fashioned Bentley turn the corner at the end of the street when I went to pull back from the window. I was almost certain of it when my heart started racing in that way it does whenever I catch a glimpse of him.
Still, that’s odd, why would he be over this way this early in the morning? Maybe one of the elderly had needed help and he came out to lend a hand; he’s rather kind to everyone else but myself after all.
I shrugged it off as it was really none of my business anyway and headed into the shower after fiddling with the thermostat. Why was it so cold in here? Although the fire had burned down, it shouldn’t be cold enough for me to see puffs of air each time I breathed out.
In the shower I made the water as hot as I could stand it before stepping under the spray. My skin felt ultra sensitive as I washed myself and there were new marks on my body that begged for an explanation but once again I had none.
I switched the water off after washing the new stickiness from between my thighs and ignored the soreness in my ass before I made myself crazy with worry. I didn’t have time to dwell on it anyway since my stomach started growling, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten much the day before.
Why am I in the car? Just what the hell is going on? This thing is getting out of hand now. I’ve done some research in the last week or so on sleepwalking and was amazed to find that some people do some amazing things while asleep, the worst case I found was of the man who slaughtered his in laws while in the clutches of this strange phenomena, something I hope never to face.
But if I’m driving while in that state it can’t be good. Maybe a trip to the doctor is in order, though I balk at the idea. I sat for another few seconds gazing out the windshield at the snow that I was going to have to call someone to clear.
That’s another thing, I never would’ve taken the antique car out in this when I have a perfectly good truck in the garage. I got out and walked to the side door that was well protected from the elements under the portico, picking my way through the snow that had started to harden.
Inside the house the kitchen was just as I’d left it the morning before which made no sense. Didn’t I eat? The sudden rumbling of my empty stomach was answer enough to that question. The housekeeper was already here, I could hear the hum of the vacuum coming from somewhere upstairs as I tossed my keys on the counter and headed for the coffeepot that she’d turned on when she came in.
My hair was wet like I’d taken a shower and as I ran my hand through it I saw a quick flash of me in the shower with a woman. I almost snorted at that as it reminded me that I hadn’t fucked anything but my hand in almost two years. Wait! I lowered the cup from my lips as I ran through the months in my head.
When I first moved here I was just getting settled in so there was no time. Add the fact that the closest woman my age until a year ago was a good two and a half-hour drive away. Then as time went by it seemed I got more and more drawn into finding every nook and cranny in the ancestral home and it seems I’d lost track of time.
“This can’t be right!” I ran upstairs to grab my planner even though I knew that my assessment was accurate. Two years! Where had the time gone and how had I survived it? My longest dry spell before moving here had been two weeks, and that’s with work taking up most of that time. Anything longer and I’d start gnawing the wood off my desk. So what’s this now?