Page 9 of Wicked Desire
“As I was saying, starting tomorrow, everyone is going to know who you belong to. The family already knows, and besides, you won’t be here much longer…”
“What, what are you talking about?”
“I have to go back soon; I have a business to run, remember.”
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“You didn’t really think I was gonna leave you here, did you?” I looked around the room she’d shared with him with a look of distaste on my face.
Now that I’d sent him the last fuck you, I was more than ready to take my woman and leave. It was fun, dirtying her up in his bed, cumming in her on his bed, but now it was time to get back to reality.
“But, no one said anything about moving.”
“Amber, you’re not that thick. If you’re going to be my wife, how could we live in two separate places? How can I breed you if you’re here, and I’m there?”
Her eyes looked uncertain, but her pussy liked its new owner. It leaked all over my groin. “But my family…”
“The sooner they get used to the idea, the better. Nothing’s going to change what is anyway, so why wait?”
“But I haven’t had time to explain to them…they might not understand.”
“That sounds like a them problem. The sooner they stop thinking of you as his widow and start seeing you as my wife, the better.” I was being mean to her for no reason. Well, I had a reason, but I’m honest enough with myself to admit that it was unfair. It’s not her fault that she met him first. Or that she had no idea that I’d fallen in love with her.
That I hated even hearing her name mentioned with his. Because I knew my brother, knew what a fuck-up he was and how someone like her had been wasted on him. She was too sweet, too kind, to lovely for the monster I’d grown up with.
No one will ever know the lengths I’d gone to, to make us possible how I’d sabotaged her so that she could never bear his children. She didn’t even know that the plant I’d snuck into the country and given her as a gift works as a contraceptive for women, or that the sweet musk scent she likes so much in the oil I brought back from the Fareast had the same properties.
Yes, I’d done that and more. I’d gotten rid of the oil the morning after my first day here and tossed the plant as I drove back to the hotel. If she noticed them gone, she hadn’t mentioned it, and I’m hoping it stays that way.
It wasn’t all wickedness on my part, I didn’t plan to want my brother’s woman the first time I laid eyes on her, it just happened, and I’d done everything in my power to stay away. But somewhere along the line, he seemed to catch on and had gone out of his way to torment me with the fact that she was his. That too was fine, until he made the monumental mistake that changed everything.
I knew that last time they came home for a visit, and he brought her by my place that he’d done it out of spite, to show off, to rub it in my face like he’d done countless times before in the past with other menial things. Things that the bastard never deserved no matter how big or small.
Because he was the oldest son, everything that was good always went to him first, though it didn’t take a genius to see that I was my parents’ favorite child. It’s just the way things are for us; the first male is treated like the heir he is from birth, while me, the second son, is supposed to pretty much fend for himself.
I’d not minded much of anything where my family traditions were concerned; it’s not like I didn’t grow up knowing the way things were going to be when I reached adulthood. So when at eighteen I left home for college, I knew I was on my own.
I’d taken the extra money mom and dad had given me to get started to invest in a hair-brained venture with a dorm mate that sounded too good to be true but was just one of those things that your instincts tell you not to pass up.
By the time I was twenty-two, that money had more than tripled a hundred times over. In short, I was well on the way to bypassing my brother’s future inheritance while he wasted his wealth and time being an asshole.
I didn’t do it for that reason, though; I’d long stopped thinking about the competition he seemed to be having with me in his head. Though everything had been handed to him on a silver platter, he was a monumental fuck up from birth, and the fact that I was brighter, more likable, and just plain better than him at everything seemed to make him worse.