Page 16 of Wicked Desire
I kissed her hard and fast, pulling her into me before she could spout off at me. I don’t know where she got the balls. Three and a half months, that’s how long it had taken for her to show her ass. Not that I’m not ecstatic that my woman has been coming into her own, but for fuck sake, can she cut her teeth on someone else?
I think I may have gone overboard a little. In trying to prove to her that I’m nothing like the asshole she’d been married to, I might have spoiled her a little. I still run roughshod over her shit when it comes to her past with him, but everything else I let her take point.
That’s why my house no longer looks like it used to, and I can’t find half my shit because she’d decided that it didn’t belong where it was; fair enough, it’s her home now too. But fuck if she doesn’t try to run my ass in every which way.
I secretly think, and so does mom, that she’s now beginning to feel like a real wife for the first time. I didn’t ask her what she meant by that when she said it, or question any of the other things she’d let slip since I brought Amber home, but I get the feeling my parents know more about their marriage than they’d let on.
Mom was always checking up on her like she thought I was going to repeat whatever it was the asshole had done to my poor girl. I’d come right out and asked Amber if the asshole had ever hit her, but she swears up and down that he never did. Though she keeps mum about their life together.
“Gavin, I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just one day.”
“It’s my one and only wedding. If you tell me it’s your second, I swear I’ll chuck you down the stairs.” She folded her arms and huffed while tapping her damn foot. See, no fear. I’m losing my grip here.
“I think I liked it better when you were afraid of me.”
“I’m not afraid of you, says who?”
“You’re not afraid, huh, is that why you’re fucking with me? Go plan the wedding I told you I want.”
I left her miserable ass and headed for my home office for some peace and quiet. I know I’ll only be allowed an hour tops before she comes harassing my ass about something or other. The girl didn’t just break out of her shell; she smashed the shit to pieces and have no intention of going back.
I grinned as I turned on the computer. Things were progressing much better than even I had expected, and I had expected a lot. I was learning new things about her every day, things that only made me love her more like her heart, how soft and compassionate it is.
The way she cares for those she loves and her patience, which I sorely test on a daily basis just for kicks. Sometimes I think that if I’d known just how fucking sweet she really is, I would’ve taken her away from him, damn the consequences. Thank fuck I don’t have to because she’s mine.
Somewhere in the back of my mind had lived the fear that she might’ve been in love with him, but in the last few months here with me, though she never comes right out and says shit, I get the feeling she didn’t know what love was until me. I know for damn sure she never knew what an orgasm felt like until I gave her one. Now her greedy pussy can’t go without at least five a day. Greedy ass!
“I just got up here.” She was starting her shit much sooner than expected.
“I know, but your mom says there might be an issue with the dates you wanted.”
“Figure it out, unless you wanna do it sooner.” I gave her a look that meant I wasn’t budging, and she flounced her miserable ass back out the door. Looks like I’m gonna have to get involved in this wedding planning shit, which I’ve been avoiding like the plague. How hard can it be to get a venue for the day you want it?
* * *
* * *
What have I become? How have I so readily accepted my fate in life? How can I find such pleasure and relief in my dead husband’s brother’s bed? I used to feel such guilt before because of my feelings for him; now, the guilt is tenfold because those daydreams had become reality and so much more.
Nothing I ever dreamed of comes close to what I feel in his arms. And now I’m carrying his child and don’t want to tell him. Not because I’m not happy, but because I’m afraid of how things might change once he finds out.