Page 14 of Wicked Desire
And when it was time for me to cum, I slammed into her womb and emptied my balls. “The only reason I gave you my seed is because I’m trying to get you with child, but you don’t deserve it.” I pulled out and rolled out of bed, leaving her there curled into herself.
I ignored the sound of her tears as I headed into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I was so pissed I could hardly see straight. How dare she fucking think about him in my fucking house? In my bed?
As if she’d forgotten now that he’s dead what a complete and total asshole he was. I took a quick shower and left the room again, not even looking at her on the bed as I went into the closet to get dressed.
“Dinner will be ready soon, be downstairs in ten minutes, don’t make me have to come get you.” I didn’t look at her as I spoke, and minutes later, when she joined me downstairs just as the chef was putting dinner on the table, I still ignored her.
We ate in silence, me enjoying the prawns in garlic sauce while she picked at the food on her plate. “Eat it; you’re gonna need all your strength to nourish my kid.” Her face flushed, and she picked up her fork again. I don’t even remember what we were fighting about.
Oh yes, I’d just come home, had barely walked through the door before I was picking her up from the couch where she was sitting reading something or the other. I heard the chef in the kitchen at the back of the house and knew that the housekeeper was long gone as I headed up the stairs with her in my arms.
The first fuck had been fast and furious from behind, the second nice and slow, and then we were laying there catching our breath before I turned my head to look at her. I like seeing her in my bed. We’ve only been back for a few weeks, but already she seems like she belongs here.
I’ve been able to breathe easier now that I’d moved her out of his house and out of the state where they lived and back here with me. As expected, some people were a bit confused by our new relationship, and there were even some whispers about how long it’s been going on.
For her sake, I did my best to quell that shit, but it was another good reason for moving her out of there. Here, only my family really knows her, and there’s no one to point fingers and draw their own fucked up conclusions.
She, too, seems to have begun to unwind a little but nowhere near to my liking. I want her to think of this as home, to be happy here with me. I might be asking for too much, but I want her to forget he ever existed, I know I do.
“What did you do today?” We’ve been having an ongoing argument about her looking for a job. She wanted one to get out of the house, and I wanted her to stay her ass home. I keep telling her that no one else is going to raise my kid. I had nannies and babysitters growing up, and I can tell you that nothing beats a mother’s love.
Her idiotic idea was to get a job now then leave after the baby’s born. Or, she can keep her ass still and do as I say. She shrugged her shoulders and looked up at the ceiling. “Nothing much I was just trying to decide what to do with the stuff the movers brought. Should I just put everything in storage or…”
“Everything like what?” I knew from the wary look she gave me that I wasn’t going to like what she said next, and I was right. “Your brother’s stuff.”
“Burn it!”
Oh, yes, that’s where the argument started. With her telling me that she didn’t think that’s what he would want, as if I care what that fuck wants. And why the fuck is she thinking about him? I could’ve sworn I told the asshole movers to bring only her stuff here.
Now I picked up the argument where we left off because fuck it, that’s just the way I am. I like things settled and out of the way before I move onto the next thing.
“You don’t have to worry about the movers anymore. Did you bring all your important documents with you when we flew home?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Is there anything in that container that you need? Anything his money didn’t buy?”
“Well, no, not really!” I see she knew where I was going with this. She was remembering what happened to the ring he’d given her, the ring that was now at the bottom of the ocean somewhere.