Page 98 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
"I didn't," Khex says, pulling out one of the extra-large muffins and giving me a blissful look. "You truly are a goddess, Lucy. And he's at the med center."
"What?!" I jerk to my feet. Or at least I try to. I mostly end up flailing like a turtle on its back. Khex shoves his food into his mouth and gives me a hand, helping me up. "Why is he at the med center? Is he hurt?" The med center here in Port is a large, military-run med-bay since most of the colonists don't have their own med-bays in their houses. It's like an urgent care center back on Earth, and I can only imagine the horrible things that have befallen my poor mate. "Was he shot? Did someone run him over with an air-sled? Is he bleeding? What's wrong?"
Khex smirks. "He made me promise not to tell."
Angry, I reach out and smack the last of his muffin out of his hand before it goes to his mouth. "You son of a bitch. You let me sit here and make conversation while my mate's at the med-center? I'm never talking to you again!"
He gapes at me, looking wistfully down at the crumbles of muffin scattered on Rektar's desk, and picks up a chunk, shrugging. "Like I said, he made me promise not to tell."
"I'm going to rip your head off right after I tear off his!" I screech, turning and heading for the door as quickly as I can. My heart pounds in my chest, and I head out of the custodial office, scanning the street for the med-center. It's tucked next to a shipping center, and I don't see a trail of blood, so that's good, right? I whimper, my hands under my belly as I storm over as quickly as I can. There's no point in getting the air-sled just to go across the street, so I make my way over and try not to think of all the horrible things that could have gone wrong.
I can't lose Rektar. I can't. Today is our two-year anniversary. It's been two years of bliss and happiness, just like I knew it would be. I've always been happy with him, but I didn't realize how much I loved him until a month after we were married and I found him secretly throwing out my perfumes and scented candles. The sight of big, powerful Rektar trying to hide tiny perfume bottles from me was the most charming thing I'd ever seen and I realized I'd been slowly falling in love with him. That he made every day better just by being in it. That I looked forward to waking up with him every morning and going to sleep with him at night.
I've been so excited to build a family with him, to start the next phase of our life together…and I can't lose him.
The moment I burst through the doors of the med-center, I burst into tears. "Where's my mate?" I bellow, distraught. The waiting room is empty so no one's there to see me lose my damn mind, but it doesn't matter. "Rektar?! Where are you?"
I hear Rektar's voice from around one of the opaque plas-film curtains that separate the med-center into “rooms,” and I surge forward to his side. My back is killing me, and my feet are too, but I don't care. I just need to see my husband. Sure enough, I go around the curtain and see my mate seated atop one of the tables, a plas-film cloth covering his lap. He's naked otherwise, but his big body looks whole and beautiful and perfect and I burst into fresh tears at the sight of him.
"Love, what's wrong?" He cradles me against him as I bury my face against his chest and sob. "Is it the baby?"
"No, it's you," I weep. "What's wrong? Why are you here? Did someone shoot you?" I sniff hard, miserable. "Do I need to kick some alien ass?"
He strokes my hair, comforting me. "No, love. It's…complicated." He sighs, and as a clinic worker approaches, the little alien looks at my husband, nods, and turns back the way he came. "I'm not in danger," Rektar continues. "Please, calm yourself."
"Just tell me what's going on," I manage, hiccupping. I do my best to stop crying, running my hands all over his massive arms and chest. He looks good. God, he looks amazing, and if I wasn't ready to pop like an overstuffed Thanksgiving turkey, I'd jump his bones. "Are you in pain?"
My big, handsome mate grimaces. "Actually, a little, yes."
I suck in a shaky breath. "Where?"
"Do not be upset."
"Of course I'm going to be upset," I say, feeling slightly hysterical. "You're my mate and I love you. Why wouldn't I be upset?"
He gives me a soft look, stroking my hair again. "I love you too, my beautiful mate. And that is why I wished to give you an anniversary gift."