Page 82 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
If I had any seed left in my body, it would be spouting from my cock all over again.
As it is, I am helpless as I watch her return to her house, her hips swaying as she leaves me behind in the barn. She didn't talk to me, I realize as I suck in deep lungfuls of breath. Did I embarrass her? Of course I did. She wants Khex.
I…cannot let that happen, though.
It is clear to me that I must speak with Khex in the morning. To let him know I am determined to woo the female away from wanting him. I know he is not interested in any of the females here. He has said as much and teased me about my secret affection for Lucy. I must let him know how I feel, and that I want her.
And then I must figure out a way to show her that she needs me and not Khex.
That I can last longer than a breath, too. That part is important.
I'm humming with satisfaction as I go back inside the house. My hand is still sticky with his release, and I'm aroused with no outlet, but I'm utterly content.
That was fun.
I'd forgotten what it's like to be with a guy and watch him come. I'd forgotten what it feels like to be an utterly sexy, desirable creature in front of a man's eyes. It's a little odd given that most of the women on this planet were captured from Earth to be sex slaves. Me, I was bought to be a companion to an elderly mesakkah who lived alone. We fooled around a few times, but his interest wasn't in sex any longer, and as he declined, our relationship was more about me taking care of him than anything else.
I didn't love him, but Aharen was a good guy. Kind. Thoughtful. He moved back in with his family once he could no longer take care of himself, and they sent me off to Risda III. Really, I've been so lucky. Lonely, though. So stinking lonely. Just because I've been “lucky” in my slavery situation doesn't mean that I'm not just as lonely as everyone else out here. I miss having people around.
I miss having someone to fuss over. And now there's Rektar, and everything is suddenly looking better.
I head into the kitchen with a smile and clean my hand off, then put away the last of the dishes. Rektar had offered to help me clean up, but he'd been in a weird mood after dinner and I wondered if he was feeling okay. The man had put away so much darn food I worried he'd given himself a stomachache.
Turned out that other parts of him were aching. I giggle to myself.
Once the kitchen is clean, I head to the bedroom. I change into a nightgown and snuggle into my narrow bed, thinking about Rektar and touching him again. I think about what it'll be like to be mated to him. It'll involve a lot of cooking, but I'm fine with that. He's quiet, too, but I hope he opens up more over time. Tonight I learned a lot about him, and I want to keep learning about him.
The endless days on Risda III are suddenly full of promise.
The next morning, I wake up early and make a huge breakfast, human-style. Rektar didn't seem to mind my cooking, so I make a lovely quiche full of local substitutes for human vegetables. The quiche itself is the size of a damn platter, but knowing Rektar's appetite, I think it'll be just enough. After all, I made a ton of food last night and there were no leftovers. If I marry the guy, I'm going to have to get a few of the avians that are the Risda equivalent of chickens and double my grocery supplies.
I smile to myself at the thought, because after last night, I'm hoping a relationship with Rektar is back on the table. It's clear he likes me. The man was using my panties to jerk off. And he let me touch him, and the look on his face definitely wasn't disgust.
So yeah, things aren't great right now, but at least that situation is looking up.
I see Rektar heading out of the barn, his clothing perfect and buttoned all the way up, every short hair in place atop his head. He doesn't look as if he slept in a barn last night, nor does he look like the man who had his pants around his knees while I jerked him off. He looks so very composed that for a moment I wonder if I imagined it all. But then he glances toward my house, and the color is high on his cheeks and he's rubbing his ear.
Nope, it happened.
Fighting back the squeal of glee rising in my throat, I race to my room and splash some perfume on my pulse points. My old master told me that all humans smelled bad, so I'm careful to try and disguise my smell at all times. I don't want Rektar finding me unappealing.