Page 65 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
He’s in for a treat when he gets into his office and finds out I’ve married a human and run off to Risda III.
Before the news can get out to the rest of Lady dra’Niiron’s guests, we pack our things and leave in my air-cruiser, heading for my personal ship. My servants say nothing—they’re too polite and too well-trained for such things, but I can tell they don’t know what to think.
I don’t care what they think, as long as they treat Milly with respect. She’s now Lady va’Rin, married to the first in his house. Even if she’s human, she’s now nobility through me and outranks most of intergalactic society. Even with a stained reputation, she’ll command respect.
This pleases me.
Milly enters the cruiser, her skirts in her hands as she follows behind Nima, one of my house attendants. They talk of human traditions, and Nima smiles hesitantly at my bride, laughing at something she says, and then Milly smiles, too.
I think I shall give Nima a promotion, just for being kind to her. Set an example with the other servants that the way to success is to please my bride and cater to her every wish. I like this thought. The pilot of my ship stops me before I can follow my new mate into our private chambers, and we discuss the quickest route to Risda III before deciding on a course. It will take weeks to arrive, but I’m in no hurry.
My personal starship might be small, but it’s luxurious, and I get to spend that time with my mate. As far as I’m concerned, we can take as long as we like.
When everyone is boarded, a note sent to Ahiri thanking her for her “hospitality” and sending my excuses for leaving so quickly, we cruise away from the spaceport and out of the Homeworld atmosphere. There will be legal loopholes to close and palms to grease, and the messages are already starting to roll into my private communications server. Even though I’ve protected Milly with my name, she’s still an alien from a Class D planet. I can smooth things over, but it will take time and money.
Good thing I have people to handle such problems on my behalf. I’ll give them raises, too, just as long as I’m left in peace with my mate.
Thinking of Milly fills me with a brimming eagerness and a hunger in my body. My cock has been hard for hours, because just knowing she’ll be mine in a short time is driving me wild with lust. In the private quarters of my ship, she’s waiting for me. She’s going to put her hot, wet, scandalous human mouth on mine again and lick my tongue and make those sweet little groans of pleasure.
I can’t wait. I’m aching to claim her, and so I school my features into my best “unapproachable” expression and head for my chambers. Staff—both personal and ship—scuttle out of my way, and no one disturbs me. Good. I make it to my personal chambers unaccosted, place my palm on the keylock, and wait for the door to open.
Milly stands there with Nima, wearing nothing but a completely sheer gown. Her soft, curling red hair is pulled up into a messy knot atop her head and little tendrils graze her pale neck. Nima bows at the sight of me and then murmurs something to Milly, bowing to her and then leaving the room quickly.
We say nothing as Nima leaves, the door sliding shut behind her. I devour the sight of my mate instead. The gown she wears leaves nothing to the imagination—I can see her pale pink nipples, the swells of her lovely breasts, the tuft of red hair between her legs, and her rounded hips.
“She’s nice,” Milly says once the door closes and we’re alone. “I thought she’d be awful to me, but she was really nice.” She smiles at me and does a turn on one foot, twirling. “Like my gown? It’s supposed to have a slip underneath it, but I had Nima remove it so I could wear something sexy for our wedding night.”
“It is…breathtaking.” I’ve never seen anything as lovely as her.
Milly fidgets in front of me, toying with a bit of the material. “You’re not tricking me, are you, Varrik? You’re not busting my balls about this? It isn’t a ploy, right?”
I frown at her words, because I’m not entirely sure what she means. “How can I bust balls you do not have?”
“I mean you’re teasing me.” She looks so uncertain, so hesitant. “I keep thinking this is too good to be true.”
I would never do such a thing to her. Does she need reassurance that I want her? Can’t live without her? “Did you know that you were supposed to be a gift for another lord?” I say as I approach her.