Page 54 of Risdaverse Tales (Four Novellas In One)
I think for a moment. He’s not yelling at me or making me feel stupid, so I feel bold enough to answer him. “Why not?”
He glances over at me again, his eyes hooded. “Because I am the highest-ranking noble here. No one gets to use my name unless I allow it, and if I answer you, it assumes that I am allowing such a thing.”
“Ah.” I purse my lips. “Well…I hate to be a pain in the ass, but what am I supposed to call you if I can’t ask your name? Is ‘master’ okay?”
“I haven’t decided,” he says, gazing at me.
Well, I don’t need to ask if this one really is my new owner. It’s clear that he’s difficult enough that he’s not used to getting along with people. If ever there was a sign of some rich dude owning himself a little human, I guess that’s it. “So…what’s a rich guy like you wanting with a human chick?”
The guy turns and stares at me with hooded eyes once more, saying nothing.
I swallow hard. “Right. I can guess.” I pull at the straps of my dress, easing one down over my shoulder. Best to just get this over with so I can stop worrying about it and get on with the worst. The sooner I put it behind me, the better.
One big hand reaches out and grabs the strap sliding down my shoulder. He carefully eases it back into place, his fingers grazing mine. I notice he’s got curiously soft, velvety skin and that his arm—even though mostly hidden under his sleeve—is corded and powerful. His shoulders are big and I bet under these long robes, he’s a fit guy.
“Not that,” he says.
“Um…no?” Maybe I misunderstood the whole “clean her up and dress her pretty” thing.
“Is it something you wish to do?”
Oh god, is this a trick question? I lick my dry lips, wondering what the right answer is, and finally decide on the truth. “Not…really?”
“Then keep your clothes on.”
“Okay.” I stare up at him, confused. I’m pretty sure they said I was going to be a slave. The chip I had implanted to help me learn the languages of these strange alien races isn’t always a perfect match, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t misunderstand that part.
We stare at each other for a long moment. He’s really, really tall and next to him I feel very small and vulnerable.
“I have to go back to the party,” he murmurs after a long moment. “I’ve been up here too long already. They’ll be looking for me.”
My stomach rumbles. If there’s a party downstairs, there’s sure to be snacks, and I’m freaking starving. “Can I come?”
He nods.
I smile up at him. Maybe this guy and I can learn to get along after all. Maybe he just wants a friend? A buddy? The human equivalent of a cocker spaniel to his noble lordness?
Whatever it is, I’m not getting attacked just yet, so I’ll take it as a win.
“Well, friend, you can call me Milly,” I tell him happily.
I don’t know why I’ve brought the human to the party.
Milly. I don’t know why I’ve brought Milly to the party, I correct myself. She’s a person, not a thing. The other lords and ladies here are sure to notice, and that means gossip. I’ve avoided gossip studiously for all of my life, but tonight, it seems I’m courting it. Everyone stares as I move toward the head table, pausing every so often to accept the greetings of lesser lords and ladies. There’s a hierarchy here, and I’m at the top of it, so they bow to me, not the other way around.
At my side, the human stays close, her skirts dragging on the floor, her bare feet peeping out from underneath. I didn’t realize that she didn’t have shoes, and for a moment, I’m irritated at Ahiri. Why would she not dress the human appropriately? The skirts are too long, the cleavage too deep, and no shoes?
Of course, I suspect the human was never meant to leave Lord As’bro’s chamber, and the thought fills me with a cold rage. I imagine him over her, rutting, her long skirts hiked up, and I want to break something. Even though I shouldn’t touch her, I put a hand on the human’s shoulder and pull her closer to me.
Milly looks up, her cheeks full of tiati cake. “Sorry, am I in the way?”
“You’re fine.” I gesture at one of the servants in yellow livery, indicating they should bring more food and drink for my, ah, guest. I remember how her stomach rumbled, and given that she has no shoes, it’s not a stretch to imagine that it’s been some time since she ate properly. No wonder she was eager to come down to the party. Even now, she stares around her with wonder, and as I watch, she pops another tiati into her mouth, crunching down.